Lately I have been on a journey, a journey in search of the unknown.
While many people are content with the way things are and keeping them that way, I am not. I desire to constantly step out into the unknown in pursuit of the truth - God's truth, to experience and know God in new ways, and to learn of His mysteries. I can't help but wonder why is this something we are not constantly pursuing?
He waits to be known
The more I spend time with Him, the more I ask questions and seek answers, the more I come to realise He eagerly wants to reveal those answers. He wants me to ask those questions and seek Him to find those answers in His perfect timing.
I am at a point now in my walk where it is dawning on me more frequently that the Creator of the universe is waiting for me to get to know Him. He is earnestly waiting for me to come to him with all those questions and desire for truth. He does this so I can get to know who He is.
Thinking on the fact that He waits to be known, I am blown away by everything He has done to make that possible. Before the cross it was difficult because of the state we were in. We separated ourselves from Him, but He sacrificed everything, to tear the veil between us and Him so we could know Him in all His glory and majesty.
Ask, seek, knock
Matthew chapter 7 verse 7 (English Standard Version ) says this: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”
Only recently have I begun to understand just how often God is constantly inviting us to seek His truth. To ask about His character and who He is. To knock and see Him reveal His mysteries, bringing us into deeper understanding and relationship with Him. Pausing a moment, the Creator of all openly gives us an invitation to know Him more and actually pursue that. That simply leaves me in awe of His goodness.
I am baffled at how so many claim to follow Him and call Him Saviour and Lord, but not seem to know Him as He desires us to do. God is passionate about waiting for us to seek the unknown and come into a greater understanding of who He is and then to share that. He is so patient and deserves all our pursuit.
With revelation comes responsibility
Once we know more about who He is, once He gives us the answers and truths, once we learn of His mysteries and step out into the unknown… we have a responsibility.
Revelation should bring change. Change brings growth when applied and shared at the right time. A friend of mine on my Youth With a Mission discipleship training school said this and it has always stuck with me: revelation without application is just information.
This is why, despite my journey and my not being content with things being always the same and having no change, and despite my failure to do this in the past, I am always in the process of trying to apply everything I have sought, asked and knocked for.
To know God and make Him known
When it comes down to it, we have a responsibility and a call to know Him. From there we have the responsibility to make Him known. These things can only be achieved by constantly being in pursuit of a deeper relationship with Him; from asking the questions, seeking to see the mysteries that He so eagerly wants to reveal.
It's a journey and a process that will cost dearly, but one that we should be so willing to pay. He is beyond worth it and we should go after all that He has for us, the way He has always intended.