His new birth from an old life in crime and sin to a new life in Christ and service took place on the night of August 6th, 1930.
This significant and spiritual turn around occurred after he heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached faithfully by Rev. R. D. S. Hammond at St Barnabas Church in Broadway.
12 years later on a Sunday night of November 14th,1942, at his home church, the Burton St Baptist Tabernacle, Darlinghurst as he sat listening to "the echoes of eternity", proclaimed forthrightly by Australia's beloved evangelist- the late John G Ridley M.C., he was challenged to go out and write the word eternity.
This he did continuously and consistently for the next quarter of a century 'till he died on July 30th, 1967.
By the time Arthur Stace was called by God to exit this world into eternity, he had left behind a legacy of an enormous value in the copperplate writing of one word - eternity.
God took his tool of one piece of chalk, his text of one word eternity and his territory of one pavement at a time in Sydney, and multiplied it abundantly. It was witnessed first by many thousands in Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle and Melbourne.
Then on the eve of the new millennium celebration, more than a million people who crammed around the Sydney Harbour Bridge saw it electronically emblazoned across the bridge of our Olympic city after a spectacular display of fireworks.
It was also beamed around the world to more than two billion viewers then, as well as at the closing ceremony of the Sydney Olympic Games later on in the year.