The award was presented to Rev. Dr. Harris by the governor general Professor Marie Bashir, who expressed her own excitement about the exhibition.
"It's truly a privilege to be invited to join all of you today in this historic and beautiful church for an exceptional exhibition of beautiful writing, the Words of God of Jesus Christ had come down to humankind across the centuries," said Professor Bashir.
The curator gave a brief speech after receiving the award, highlighting Bible Society's important and historical work of making Bible affordable for ordinary people.
Rev. Dr. Harris also highlighted the fact that many of the Bibles on display are in bad conditions, some even self-deteriorating due to its paper composition, and urged for those present, which included many church pastors and ministry leaders, to sponsor and contribute to the cost of restoring the heritage Bibles that are on display.
"If any one feel: 'I would like that Bible in my language sponsored and preserved forever,' I challenge you that if you feel that you could support or sponsor one of those Bible, please talk to me or to one of the Bible Society staff,"
The opening ceremony and display was held at the St. John's Anglican Cathedral, which dates back to the time of Governor Macquarie, whose wife Elizabeth Macquarie established a lending library in order for people to lend out Bibles in their own languages. Part of the Bibles in the Heritage collection was from the library.
The display is in conjunction with the Macquarie 2010 Bicentenary, and will be open to public from July 19-24.
On the web: www.biblesocietynsw.com.au/Events/heritage_bible_display