One of the most awful feelings is not knowing what we are meant to do in life. Maybe you are feeling bored, dissatisfied, or disappointed where you are now?
For example, you may have done a course only to find it doesn’t relate with who you are or your true passion. Or you have come to stage in your life or work where you feel an emptiness; you feel stuck in a box.
Is it time for a change or to change and break out of that box mindset?
My painting here represents a key turning point in my life.
I remember having been a full-time pastor for about twelve years. I loved what I did. But I was also feeling a little detached from the outside world. I pondered and prayed, but struggled how could a pastor-artist fit the box in my situation?
Then, one day, unexpectedly my wife decided to sell some of my art, I did as a hobbyist, one day a week at a prominent city market. With my office next door, I helped during lunch times and interestingly God began to open doors to share faith to Jewish stall holders and others. Amazing, God is in this!
Around that time, I still wondered do I go further? I went to a pastor’s gathering and a prophet was speaking. He made a passing comment which I knew God was speaking directly to me. “You know, you need to happy about your life. Try to do something you love one day a week. For example, if you love painting do that!” Wow what a confirmation… “Moses what is in your hand?” And what is in yours?
Art sales showed that people loved my art from all over the world. One lady from New York wrote, “Mark Rusic’s colour palette will bring the Australian sun to any place on earth.” I received hundreds of testimonials like this one. Thank you, Jesus, you love me as an pastor-artist and my art!
I eventually met a Swiss man, who lives by Lake Geneva. It was my first international commissioned work for a collector. God helped me overcome my fears and it ended up as the centre piece of his collection.
I also gave him a prophetic poem which he read to all on the night he unveiled the painting to friends from many parts of Europe, titled, 'The Fountain of Life related to Geneva’s lake-fountain called Jet d'Eau.' (See this 4 min. video to hear my poem and journey) :
I hope this story inspires you that God can do a new thing as we break out of our box. I’m convinced God created us to have full job and life contentment. That’s why we are called to enter God’s rest; read Hebrews chapter 4.
What I shared here was actually just the beginning of my journey. Again, I discovered I had to think outside the box and use my art for God’s glory and in ministry. There is so much more I could share about this!
However, here is some key take home value to break out of the box:
1. Take off the blinkers and get in touch with your true feelings.
2. Love and learn from people, God moves through many others; especially your wife!
3. Seek God and dream with him, He has more for you; as the bible says, “No eye has seen or ear has heard what he has prepared for those who love him.”
4. Don’t just dream but step out and act on things you know in your gut, according to who God made you to be. The fountain and ‘rivers’ flow from out of your belly, Jesus said! (See John Chapter 7, Verse 38 KJV)
5. Stay focussed and persevere to enable foundations for the things God wants to build.
Bless you my reader and fellow creatives, be released into your destiny calling, those from the east, west, north and south, drink from the fountain of God’s spirit.