Don't you just love that word? A word with only eight letters and two syllables, yet it carries so much weight. It's a word that brings with it the burdens of loyalty, integrity and honesty.
Of fighting for what's right, of journeying with someone through the ups and the downs and everything in between and for being there when the rest of the world walks away.
For me, when I hear the word "faithful" I immediately think of Jesus. Faithful in every way, shape, form and expression.
Faithful (adjective)
1. strict or thorough in the performance of duty: a faithful worker.
2. true to one's word, promises, vows, etc.
3. steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant: faithful friends.
4. reliable, trusted, or believed.
5. adhering or true to fact, a standard, or an original; accurate
What I love about the word faithful is that it has so many facets to it. Like in the definition above, it means anything from accuracy in works to authenticity of the heart. With each facet of the definition, there is an aspect of God that is displayed.
His consistency in being a kind and constant King, His covenant to never let us go, the way He stays by our side regardless of circumstance, the way we can constantly and confidently trust His word to be true—the word that He sticks to forever and never falters in carrying out.
The author of faithfulness
God is faithful. It's a term that can tend to be thrown around without much thought at times. But I find the longer I let it linger, the more moments, journeys and stories come to mind from my life that just declare over and over again the faithfulness of God. Suddenly, 'God is faithful', goes from a sentence that is casually said to a phrase that holds a world of stories and journeys that leave me speechless and in awe.
When I think about God's faithfulness I imagine a big and overwhelming wall plastered in photos, words and songs. With every photo, word and song a moment is remembered, marking when the Lord was faithful to His word.
Not just sort of following through with what He promised, but going above and beyond, over the moon sort of extravagance to rescue me when I was in trouble, hurting or confused. These moments range from anything like giving me clarity of mind for an exam I was nervous about, to rescuing me from crippling anxiety or restoring relationships that had long been broken.
A first-hand experience
I think my fascination with God's faithfulness started a couple years ago when I was struggling with anxiety. A friend showed me a verse that had helped her through similar circumstance and it quickly became my go-to verse whenever I became overwhelmed by fear or doubt.
Every time I read it now, I feel totally caught up by faithfulness. I am always aware of God's faithfulness when I'm in trouble. And I know that He will not hesitate to rescue me.
He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
he drew me out of deep waters.
He rescued me from my powerful enemy,
from my foes, who were too strong for me.
They confronted me in the day of my disaster,
but the Lord was my support.
He brought me out into a spacious place;
he rescued me because he delighted in me.
Psalm, chapter 18 verses 16-19
God delights in us. From the bottom of His heart, He delights in us. He is steady in His affection for us.
Remember this simple truth
I encourage you to let yourself become fascinated by God's faithfulness. Imagine all the moments when God was faithful and mentally flip through them whenever you feel overwhelmed by life's circumstances. Soon enough, you will find yourself caught up by faithfulness.
Everything else will fade under the truth that God has walked with you through your every moment. He knows your history better than anyone else and He doesn't use it against you. He uses it and turns it around completely to bring you into a spacious place.
I love that we can each have our own personal history with God that is so unique and beautiful, that tells the story of us. I encourage you to go down your memory lane of your history with God, be reminded of His faithfulness and engrave it on your heart.
The testimony of God's faithfulness is powerful; it drives out fear and everything that would stand against closeness and boldness in God. Nothing can stand against a Father who never lets go, never gives up and always pursues. And you are the object of His affection, the one He is pursuing. He will be faithful to you for the rest of your days. That's a happy thought.
Caitlyn Furler is a lover of writing, music and people. She is a recent graduate of high school in Australia and works full time as an assistant in a law firm. She is a worship leader in her church and is enjoying the possibilities and mystery of not knowing what she wants to do 'when she grows up'.
Caitlyn Furler's previous articles may be viewed at