Dr Song serves in the dual role as the LWFCI Global Director for Asia and serves as the LWFCI National Director for South Korea.
"John Song is very possibly the most gifted individual to ever be orchestrated of the Lord to provide leadership for LWFCI. He is one of the most caring, and humble individuals I have ever been privileged to meet. I am honoured to serve at his side and glean from his vast reservoir of knowledge," Dr Sam Mings explained.
Dr Mings went on to say that John Song's desire, as is mine, is to be spent for the Glory of the Lord! We were so blessed to serve him in his position as Deputy Chaplain for the 1988 Olympic Village in Seoul. He not only graciously served as the translator for our Evening with the Olympians in Yoido Full Gospel Church, but he served as Billy Graham translator for Dr. Graham's outreaches in Korea in years past.
Dr Sam Mings bought a mighty challenging message to the Christian Council of Sports Korea (CCSK) 'Grand Opening' noting that the Koreans are bringing a great team to London for the LWFCI "Bridging the Gap 2012 London UK" (Olympics ministry).
More than this, a formal written agreement, the first of its kind, was signed and endorsed by the Christian Council of Sports Korea (CCSK) and Lay Witnesses for Christ International (LWFCI).
This agreement document spells out "serving the Lord in conjunction with each other" - that of the Christian Council of Sports Korea (CCSK) and LWFCI . The strategy and nature of the agreement is not that of a business financial agreement, rather it is an agreement to serve Jesus Christ together toward the Salvation and cause of Christ.
This is not only a first, but seminal in the annuls of international sports ministry arrangements. This agreement is getting beyond "ownership" to a greater horizon, that of the cause of Christ utilising all the gifts of the Spirit from those the Lord has raised up for this purpose.
Dr Sam Mings said of this: "We have 'Coalition' that is 'all inclusive wherein no ministry is excluded - capitalizing on everyone's strengths with primary focus of bringing athletes to Christ and equipping them in their faith while exhorting each and every athlete to maximize their platform for Christ's Glory!"