|PIC1|The Christian Democratic Party (CDP), at its 2009 Annual Dinner in the New South Wales Parliamentary Dining Room, announced that plans are underway for the success of the upcoming elections in two years. CDP President, Rev. Fred Nile, made the announcement.
In presenting a CDP Update, Rev Fred Nile acknowledged there had been some troubling times within the CDP of late, but he still felt that the Lord had placed the CDP and himself, in the NSW Parliament for a purpose.
This belief, he says, has encouraged him to press on, looking towards the future and endeavoring to strengthen the CDP for its role in defending people's rights and serving the community as a whole.
Rev Nile will not have to stand for re-election in 2011, as he still has a four-year term of service to 2015. However, he did appeal for support, financially and prayerfully, by those present for those who are to come.
The guest speaker, Rev Dr Ross Clifford, Principal of Morling College, speaking of the party's ascendancy in the political circle, stated that CDP had already been responsible for having legislation passed that: "Banned tobacco advertising"; "Prohibited smoking in public places like restaurants, pubs and clubs"; "Helped establish the Royal Commission into paedophile activity" and "Saved the practice of opening Parliament with prayer."
Dr Clifford called for the need of role models in society and praised the Rev Nile for his stand on moral issues which appeared to be extreme at first, but were realized to be for the benefit of all.
Quoting the Bible from the Book of James, Chapter 5, Clifford emphasized on the need for boldness in caring for others and in upholding the rights of all people of human worth.