A Queensland parliamentary committee has opened the door for a proper examination of successful prostitution policy being adopted by countries across the globe.
Canada this month was the latest to adopt the 'Nordic model', which bans men from purchasing women for sex.
Australian Christian Lobby Queensland director Wendy Francis said she was heartened to see the Parliament's cross-party Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee recommend that Queensland review its policies to ensure they are consistent with efforts in other jurisdictions.
ACL made a submission and Ms Francis appeared as a witness at the committee's inquiry into strategies to prevent and reduce criminal activity in Queensland.
"Legalising brothels has failed as a policy to curb burgeoning illegal prostitution and trafficking of women in Queensland, in what is an inherently harmful industry," Ms Francis said.
"It was great to see the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee reference the success of the Nordic model, particularly in Sweden which is now recognised as an unattractive country for Europe's booming trade in young women."
The committee report, released on Friday, quoted a 2010 review of Sweden's policy which found the ban on the purchase of sexual services 'has had the intended effect and is an important instrument in preventing and combatting prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes'.
"ACL congratulates the committee on its recommendations and urges the Government to follow through by conducting a proper examination of the 'Nordic approach'," Ms Francis said.
"It is now time for a Queensland Parliamentary delegation to visit the Nordic countries and Canada where a different but successful approach to reducing the damage of prostitution is working."
The report also noted the alarming instances of trafficking and/or sexual servitude in Queensland, something legalising brothels was supposed to solve.
"It has also recommended Government support for vocational training programs and support for prostituted women to leave the industry, again a recognition of 14 years of failed Queensland prostitution policy," Ms Francis said.