Some years ago now I recall standing in line ready to board my flight. I was excited. I hadn’t been on an aircraft for years. With a love for travelling I was feeling tip-top to be up in the air, to look out of the window and to be in my own world.
Some fly to commute, others fly to holiday. Their reasons might be different but those on the same plane are all going to end up in the same destination.
In my very first article two years ago now, I discussed my involvement with an organisation called Youth with a Mission, also known as YWAM. As part of serving the local community, I have the great opportunity to go in to high schools and talk to teenage girls.
We run an 8 week programme called Shine, which focuses on a girl’s worth, strength and purpose. Over one of the weeks we take a look at the journey that life takes.
‘Our destination …. .’
During the lesson we focus on the everyday choices we make. It can be anything—as small as our attitude when we get up in the morning, or as big as our chosen career. As a result of these choices there are consequences. These consequences either help us to move forward towards our destination, or they hinder us from moving at all.
When we look at a plane we can compare it to making decisions in our lives. Choosing to get on the plane is a big step to be celebrated, because you have taken smaller steps to get there. The small steps might include raising the finances, booking and preparing for the trip. Whether the journey was tough or not, you can now celebrate the achievement of moving towards the destination.
While travelling, it is important to take note of the small steps because they will have an effect on the big step—our destination.
Whenever we get on a plane, we are waiting expectantly for it to take us from point A to point B. During the everyday decisions we are given, it is up to us as to how we respond and what effect we can have on others.
While sitting on a plane, we have a few options of things we might be doing. Whether we want to begin a conversation with the person beside us, live in fear of what might happen with the plane, listen to music or read a book.
Whatever we decide to do can affect the people around us. For example, talking to other people may open our minds up to be both influencers and to be influenced.
Living with the decision
Once we get off the plane we might be out of our comfort zone and feel unsettled, but it is important to follow it through and keep moving forward. We often have decisions to make that we might not feel comfortable with or have control over, but living in each moment and being excited about the present will help there to be a positive outcome. In turn helping us towards our goal rather than standing still.
When we find ourselves in a tough situation it is important to not let it get to us, or it may hinder us from moving forward.
Being a part of teaching these girls decision making opened my eyes to the opportunities our choices bring. I was inspired to once again look at the options around me, instead of just going through the motions and taking life for granted. On the flight, this thought occurred to me and I got excited about the effect our decisions can bring.
As the girls leave at the end of the class, they are handed a luggage tag as a reminder that as they make decisions to move them from point A to B, they have the capability to make strong decisions, positively influencing them and the lives of the people around them.
Rebecca Bowie is a young Christian who is intentionally seeking after Gods heart and striving to love people with everything. Now living in Brisbane Australia, was formerly living in London, England. She's a full-time volunteer at Youth with a Mission.
Rebecca Bowie's previous articles may be viewed at