Here's another Hollywood movie that is getting flack from local government, this time, in Egypt.
Citing historical inaccuracies, the film 'Exodus: Gods and Kings' has apparently been banned by the Ministry of Culture as the agency released in a statement.
Starring Christian Bale as Moses, the film is premised on the biblical story that tells the Jews' escape from slavery in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs, more than three thousand years ago. Alongside Bale is Australian actor Joel Hedgerton who plays Ramses.
Jabir Asfour has been quoted calling the film "Zionist."
"It shows history from a Zionist viewpoint and forges historical events, therefore it is was banned in Egypt," according to state news agency EGYNews.
This is the latest in Hollywood's string of religious themed production released this year, Previously, the film 'Noah' was released in March which prompted several Muslim countries to ban the film. It is also the latest Hollywood premiere to have met criticism, with 'The Interview' coming under fire from North Korean given its premise and Angelina Jolie's 'Unbroken' getting negative press from Japan.