Fear in all its ugly forms, wants to wrap itself around us in a thick, dark blanket.
Keeping us in hiding; stuck, frozen, trapped.
Like a web, it spins its many lies. Sometimes subtle, sometimes not.
The hidden cause of many ailments, sickness and pain, can be traced back to this twisted, rotten root.
It never wants to un-grip its tight hold; it is the opposite of love, therefore its result can only mean destruction.
Disguised in many ways; some may not realise its seeped into the depths of their soul.
But I want out, to break free. Not just for a while, a nice reprieve.
No! I want to be forever free from its hold, so I can step into all He has for me.
What does it mean to be truly free? Free from the oppressive nature of fear.
I don’t want it to be a nice notion, or an emotional song to be sung. We may know the right words to say, religious banter to appear pious.
But what if we were actually, truly free?
Free from the chains that bind us. That suppress us, oppress us, that hold us back, and keep us muted.
Free from the stuff that stops us from being fully alive in Him. That stops us from living in the light as true sons and daughters of Christ. To be SET free; un chained, un bound, un leashed. Free to release all that we have in Him.
This is the life Christ promises us, this is the life he wants for us, this is the ‘New Life’ spoken of in Colossians chapter three.
The battle rages
And so, the battle rages…
Standing from a place of victory reassures me I have already won,
and yet the battle ensues and at times I take a hit.
But with each inch moved forward, I know I am taking ground.
Knowing who I am in Christ and who resides within,
helps me to stand strong and distinguish a lie masquerading as truth.
We have been given a complete set of armour to protect us as we fight against the accuser.
Lord, help me to remember to put on truth as my belt, faith as my shield and salvation as my helmet (Ephesians chapter 6, verses 10-18).
2 Timothy chapter one, verse seven says, “We have not been given a spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit gives us mighty power, love and a sound mind.”
May these truths become my reality, one thought at a time.
Perfect love casts out fear
So, what can cast away fear? Lord, you say it is love. Perfect love expels all fear (1 John chapter 4, verse 18).
When I think of ‘Perfect Love’, Lord it is you. Giving us your son, Christ Jesus, so we can come boldly to you and experience this love.
May our love for you become greater than our love for anything or anyone else.
May our reverential fear of you Lord, take away our fear of man.
Help us to continually set our minds on things above and to cast our cares and worries on you.
Help us come like little children and find shelter under your wings.
Let perfect love manifest within so our love can grow more perfect. For you and for others.
Help us experience this perfect love; the love that expels all fear
(1 John chapter 4, verses 17-19).
Jo Fuller lives on the beautiful Sunshine Coast with her young family.
She has an education in journalism and early childhood and loves to read and write.