Every great adventure story usually includes a hero or heroine heading out on an epic journey to conquer some evil enemy. While on said journey, they usually face many personal fears, slay fire-breathing dragons, meet some colourful characters, almost die once or twice before rising victorious right at the end when they finally reach their destination.
Most adventure stories focus on the journey and what happens along the way rather than on reaching the destination. And they often focus on who the hero becomes along the way.
I can’t help but draw parallel lines to our life’s journey here one earth.
Life’s epic journey
Often, I can be so focused on reaching a ‘destination’ rather than enjoying and embracing my own epic adventure story. Sometimes I want to moan and whimper, “are we there yet!”
But God is in the process and I can’t help but feel God say, “it really is all about the journey!”
Who am I becoming while on life’s journey? What is God trying to teach me along the way? Who are the colourful characters in my story I am to love and embrace?
Every person’s journey is unique, and God has an epic story he wants to write with each one of us.
The good, the bad, the ugly
Will the path always be smooth? No! In fact, he guarantees we will face troubles and persecution but to take heart because He has overcome the world.
(John chapter sixteen verse 33)
There will be some steep climbs, wilderness experiences, times we experience physical pain and sickness, maybe even betrayals and hurts from close friends and family members.
But who am I becoming on my life’s journey is perhaps the most important question I can ask rather than, “why did that happen to me?!”
Am I growing in love and grace? Is my character one of truth and integrity and steadfastness? Whose voice am I listening to the most to guide my steps. Am I remaining faithful to the Father? Am I fighting the battles he wants me to fight? Am I speaking words of life?
Put on the Armour
While on our journey He has equipped us with the Word of life that holds the keys to victorious living.
Ephesians chapter six verse 11 tells us to put on the full armour of God so that we can take our stand against the enemy’s schemes.
There is the belt of truth, feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit.
But we must put them on intentionally.
If someone went out to battle without protective clothing the enemy would take them down quickly. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit equips us and leads us. He is our counsellor and comforter and will guide us (John chapter 14 verse 26).
No doubt there will be times where we want to give up as it can feel all too hard. But He beckons us onwards. He helps lift us up, scrap off our knees and wash off the dirt. He loves us without condition or restraint and wants to journey with us.
“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew chapter seven verse 14).