What is Hillsong Conference?
Australia's largest annual conference of any kind, it brings together people from all walks of life to encourage, empower and grow attendees through leadership talks, Bible-based teaching and Christian worship music.
Why go?
The atmosphere is electric, people get to meet God there, and it brings together thought leaders from many walks of life who can tell you how to excel at things like helping people, making music, or running a business. It's like a TED conference on steroid (which, incidentally, are illegal and can disqualify you from the Tour de France) (NB: there are no actual steroids at the conference. Also, don't do drugs).
What's a TED conference?
That's really not a relevant question but I'll answer it anyway: www.ted.com
What do they talk about?
Topics relevant to everyone: how to overcome obstacles, find peace, be a leader, engage in social justice projects, and more. Some quotes from this year's guest speakers:
"If you delegate tasks you'll have people who know how to do tasks. If you delegate authority you'll have leaders." (Craig Groeschel, LifeChurch.tv)
"Everybody has fear. Don't let your fear have you." (T.D. Jakes, The Potter's House)
Top tips for conference attendees:
Take time away from the crowd to let the most significant things sink in.
Bring a packed lunch, or make friends with Subway and very long lines.
Make friends with people too. It doesn't take much to strike up a conversation in this environment!
Most of all, be expectant. This is a week where anything could happen – and it probably will!
Grace Mathew is a Sydney-based writer and speaker.
Grace's archive of articles may be viewed at www.pressserviceinternational.org/grace-mathew.html