In his novel Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn sends us a chilling warning on why nations, even those with strong democracies like our own, slide into Totalitarianism. It starts with individual citizens. It starts with you and I dear reader.
When we value our own comfort, over truth, and fail to act on a moral imperative higher than that of the State, i.e., a morality which transcends the arbitrary laws of government, then an oppressive Totalitarian government is unavoidable.
Solzhenitsyn puts it poignantly here …..
‘Let him not boast of his progressive views, his status in the Academy ….let him say I am cattle, a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill’
It is this attitude of self-preservation placed before the greater good, which cost millions their freedom and even their lives in countries that have fallen prey to Totalitarian oppression. Communist countries such as Russia and China as well as Fascist regimes like Nazi Germany provide despairing evidence of the enormity of the misery, which can be inflicted upon its citizens.
And here’s the thing, the threat is just as real today, as then.
The flawed human condition
Are you ready for the bad news? The human personality is seriously flawed and among our many foibles is our capacity to accept lies and tyranny without opposition, because we value comfort over morality.
Hitler rose to power before adoring myriads and the adulation of the masses on the basis of a lie, that the German race was superior and that Jews were a disease which needed to be exterminated. Now because most Germans lived in the lie and sought warmth and to eat their fill, six million innocent Jews were callously killed.
What are the lies that we are currently living in?
To be brutally honest there are too many to mention here, but let’s look at a couple of them. Every day in Australian schools, innocent children are being lied to. They are told that Gender is not Binary (pardon the technical term) but fluid.
The lie that you can be a different Gender to that irrefutably determined by your gonads, is condemning thousands of children to bodily mutilation, adult infertility and misery. Why aren’t we picketing at our schools, could it be that we seek warmth and to eat our fill?
Another lie is the Climate Crisis. The WEF and woke corporations like Blackrock, are predicting the imminent demise of the planet from a climate catastrophe, by 2030 or was it 2050? They even know the date, their prescience is amazing.
Remember Al Gore, presidential hopeful said it was all going to end on 27th January 2016. I guess he got it wrong. Maybe we should consult the Swedish Oracle Greta?
The Climate Extremists ignore the Icelandic Ice Cores (covering 1,000s of years) which tell us that we’re actually in a mini–Ice Age. Crazy right?! but the cores tell us the temperature of the planet was actually hotter in the 17th century, in the pre-industrialised world, than today.
What’s really crazy is that our most reliable and trustworthy information source, which remains impartial and objective at all times, namely the ‘Goggle Algorithm’ has removed this data from their search engine. Nice to know we’re being protected by the Ministry of Truth, was that in Orwell’s 1984 I wonder?
So omnipotent WEF policy moves relentlessly on its way, from one country to another. Sri Lanka, the other day, had its economy ruined through the WEF’s save the environment policies. Now Holland is being compelled to offer its farmland as votive offering to the WEF gods.
Tomorrow Canada to follow, as Trudeau prepares to proscribe current farming practices. And as a consequence, we sacrifice our food supply, in order to meet the WEF’s illusory climate goals. All based on lies.
Oh yeah, the article would not be complete without mentioning the Vaccine lies. Now let’s see! Something like …………. ‘the only way out of the scamdemic is vaccination’ ……..hmm that’s strange, 95% of Ozzies are jabbed and they constitute 95% of hospital admissions, Go figure! But we can take comfort in knowing they’re safe and effective, according to the Ministry of Truth.
There’re two flagrant lies which loom large amongst the litany of lies told by Big Pharma. First that the quasi-vax stays at the injection site. Oops it escaped ……when Pfizer discovered that after 2 days the spike-protein was extant in every organ of their test rats (because of its lipo-nano-particle base) Pfizer then stopped the trial (go take a look at TGA’s submission).
Secondly, Covid is a respiratory virus which requires a mucous membrane IgA response, while intra-muscular injections elicit an IgM-G response, which doesn’t produce the correct antibody response. The quasi-vaccine was never going to work. That’s why the vaxed keep catching Covid and maintain the transmission process.
What is the remedy to living in the lie?
Vacal Haval a Czechoslovakian dissident and later Prime Minister of the same, said ‘If the pillars of Totalitarianism are lies, then the greatest threat to it is Living in the Truth’
He also warned that those who chose to ‘live in the truth’ will be the objects of scorn, hated by the media and politicians alike, because they hold to a higher morality than the laws of the State.
We who have the word of God, who have the truth will be ridiculed for asserting that Heteronormativity is God’s plan for humans, & all other forms of sexual expressions is sin. For asserting Gender is Binary, for defending Liberty over the obsequious submission to State mandated vaccines. For respectfully rejecting Climate Crisis lies, in order to secure world food supplies. When enough people choose to live in the truth the edifice built on lies will collapse.
Dear Reader it can start with you, start Living in the Truth, today.