Recently, my husband cleared the bottom of our property. We have always had water there and an old jetty, but it was overgrown so we didn’t venture down that way.
After a solid day of clearing the overgrown trees and grasses and fixing up the old jetty it was like a whole, new world had come alive for us. We can now see more water from our veranda, and we are using the water for some stand-up paddling. While I was taking my daughter out on the board, we were amazed at the bird life. We saw some beautiful wildflowers and heard many different birds.
It is amazing to think that we have lived here for four and a half years and yet have never really discovered all that our property had to offer us.
I gained a big revelation about this in relation to all that we already have in God yet a lot of the time it is left undiscovered. It is so sad to think we could go our whole lives and never uncover all that God has already gifted us with. It was a big wake-up call to me to keep searching, to keep discovering all that God has already given us.
Spirit of wisdom and revelation
Watchman Nee in Secrets to Spiritual Power says,
‘What God longs for us to understand is that we do not need to obtain more of him. What we need is to comprehend and experience the fullness of how glorious, rich and great is that which we have already obtained from him.’ (Kulp, 199, p 186).
The bible tells us that we do not need greater power, but rather, a ‘spirit of wisdom and revelation.’ (Ephesians chapter one verse 17). So that we might realise the exceeding greatness of his power that is already in us (Ephesians chapter one verse 19).
‘It is the spirit of revelation that makes us see and the spirit of wisdom that gives us an understanding of what we see. In other words, while it is revelation that gives us vision, it is wisdom that brings this vision into focus.’ (Kulp, 1999, p 187).
So, back to my jetty. We had lived the last four and a half years only partially seeing all that was down at the edge of our property and then suddenly we could ‘see’ all that was available to us. We had to do a lot of clearing of overgrown bushes and then it was up to us to discover and take hold of what was already there.
Spiritual journey
In our spirit, we already have all power and authority, and we need to take hold of this truth.
We need to take hold of His finished work and pray for wisdom and revelation.
He has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings.
‘Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.’ (Ephesians chapter one verse three)
We already have the same power that raised Jesus, in our spirits.
‘The spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same spirit living within you.’ (Romans chapter eight verse 11)
We already have it all in our spirit.
The rest of our lives is a little like a treasure hunt discovering what God has already given us. It will lead to life; the fruit of the spirit will be evident in our lives, and we will walk with all power and authority.
‘Most assuredly I saw to you he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my father.’ (John 14:12)