I recently read an article about China's ruling Communist Party launching a nationwide crackdown on Christianity. The government has introduced tougher laws that criminalise Christians who refuse to pledge their loyalty to the state.
The new laws attempt to bring churchgoers and their leaders under party control. This means that the Communist party will have the authority to appoint or fire church leaders and change religious doctrine to make it more Chinese.
The government is heavily concerned about the growing number of unregistered Christians in the underground churches which some even estimate to be greater than the members of the Communist party. Millions of Christians attending underground churches throughout the country risk getting arrested and imprisoned.
Crosses have been torn down and some churches even demolished by Chinese authorities. How will these Christians ever endure such persecution?
A challenging question
Wang Zeqing, a pastor in one of the underground churches in China, has been arrested before. However, he refuses to pledge loyalty to the Communist Party. He is quoted as saying "Jesus Christ is my only belief, my only loyalty is to Jesus Christ". He together with members of his congregation still gather together to worship and pray.
I am blessed to be living in a place that allows religious freedom. For this reason, it can sometimes be difficult to truly understand the kind of persecution faced by so many Christians around the world.
As this story ran through my mind, I began to ask myself this question: If I were placed in a similar situation, would I still stand for Christ even knowing that I could face imprisonment or death?
Inspiring responses
It was so inspiring to see the response of Pastor Wang and his congregation. It reminded me of the time when Peter and John were arrested and imprisoned for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. The rulers, elders and scribes commanded them to never speak or teach in the name of Jesus.
However, they remained faithful and obedient to God and continued to boldly preach the word of God [Acts 4:1-31]. Furthermore, Paul and Silas were beaten and imprisoned for preaching about Jesus, yet they still prayed and praised God [Acts 16 verse16-25].
I am also reminded of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were given the ultimatum to bow down and worship King Nebuchadnezzar's gold statue or be thrown into a blazing furnace. But they boldly told King Nebuchadnezzar that their God was able to save them, but even if God didn't, they would never serve the King's gods or worship the gold statue[Daniel 3 verse 1-30].
Will I remain faithful to God?
For the true followers of Christ, persecution is inevitable. Jesus warns us that we will be persecuted but we need not fear because the Spirit of the Father will guide us and those who endure to the end will be saved [Matthew 10 verse 16-26]. These real life stories of persecution further encourage and strengthen my faith in God, because I can see that God was with them.
I believe that it is God alone that gave these believers wisdom, faith and the strength to withstand persecution. It is by the Holy Spirit that we are able to rise and stand up for Christ.
In my heart I know the truth as revealed in the word of God. As frightening as persecution may be, I choose the truth. Am I willing to suffer for Christ? He was willing to die on the cross for me. What is my response to his sacrifice?
I may not face the same calibre of persecution that others are facing in countries like China or Nigeria, but there are certainly many other areas that can still challenge my faith and loyalty to Christ. Will I stand up for absolute truth and Godly principles? Will I vote "no" to the re-definition of marriage to include same-sex couples? Absolutely!
Will I go with the flow or will I stand firm for what I believe in?
My prayer is that my faith will not be shaken. That I will have a faith like Peter, Paul, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. That I will stand firm with Christ. He is my only hope. My rock, my strength and my deliverer. I will abide in Christ to the end.
Kandima Awendila was born in ambique and lives and works as an IT Service Desk Engineer on the Gold Coast.
Kandima Awendila's archive of articles may be viewed at www.pressserviceinternational.org/kandima-awendila.html