Let me tell you a story. And it’s a true story about ordinary mums doing extraordinary things. After you’ve listened to this story you’ll be amazed at what mummy-wrath can do.
You see in Spokane (a quiet little town in Washington), on June 15th 2019, an alliance of mums and their supporters, called ‘500 Mom Strong’ descended on their local library. The police presence was heavy on the street, and for extra security police snippers were strategically placed on the roof.
The battle lines were drawn, on one side of the street, hundreds LGBT activists, ready to defend their cause, waving placards and shouting abuse. On the other side were the fierce ‘500 Mom Strong’ combatants ready to enter the fray.
What’s Going On?
You’re probably wondering what’s this all about. Well the local library was hosting a ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’. The purpose of which was to “share stories of identity and inclusion and celebrate creativity” with young children.
Oh, how laudable that LGBT activism has a heart for kids, after all. They aver that they would like to instil into your children, inclusivity and diversity of identity. Which is double speak, for their right to subvert young kids with their gender and sexual ideology. Well I suppose if less than 2% of the population are homosexuals, they do need to proselytise young kids, in order to grow their membership.
Enough is Enough
Anna Bohach, an ordinary mum, started the ‘500 Mom Strong’ group to fight back and defend children’s innocence. She’s had enough of the “sexualization of children and the mockery of femininity”
Bolach makes a strong case for stopping the LGBT indoctrination of children. She contends that drag queens are very offensive to women. “They are grotesque hypersexualized caricatures of women. They mock women and debase womanhood and femininity”.
“The library hosting such an event teaches our sons that women are just sexual objects and it teaches our daughters that they must be overly sexualized to be desired. Enough is enough. We say NO more to a political agenda aimed at degrading women and sexualizing children”
I suppose it could be said that the Drag Queen phenomenon, is really a form of misogyny in disguise. Men dressing as women is a form of parody, mocking women’s femininity by exaggerating their sexual features, while disrobingthem of their inherent modesty.
Bolach says ‘imagine the outcry, if a white man were to blacken his face and mimic black African mannerisms’ it’s an insult that should not be tolerated. And neither should men impersonating women be promoted to children.
A Brutal Analysis of The Drag Queen Phenomenon
The question we should be asking is ‘How have we arrived at a place where parents need to defend their children’s innocence?’ and ‘Why should mums take to the streets, suffer abuse, death threats and obscene slander, in order to protect their children, from institutional child abuse?’
‘How did we end up here?’
Well it’s simply because the long march of LGBT ideology has taken captive our Governments and institutions. The inalienable belief in the sanctity of a child’s innocence and inherent right to their childhood has been replaced with the notion that children can experience sexual pleasure (the iniquitous legacy of Alfred Kinsey). It follows logically from this view point that since children are sexual beings they need to learn about all the options available to them.
Tragically, Western Governments around the world, as well as here in Australia have forsaken the Biblical view of humanity, and a Marxist-LGBT ideology has filled the vacuum.
There is a breathtaking hypocrisy here. It is the LGBT activists, the majority of whom are without children, and who are opposed to heteronormative families (mum-dad families) are targeting the children of mum-dad families, your children and not their own.
And we shouldn’t look to the Governments to save us. They part of the problem, not the solution. Those in power, on either side of politics are too cowardly to stare down the demands of the LGBT movement. Let’s face it, we’ve been betrayed big time.
That’s evidenced by the imposition of “Safe-Schools”-like programs in most States of Australia. Dare I say thatnot even the messianic ScoMo has the strength of conviction to take on the pro-LGBT media. That was obvious when he withheld his support for religious freedom in the case of Israel Folau.
The protection of our children falls squarely on the shoulders of their parents. It is to us, that God has entrusted their nurture and future.
However, I can see that there is hope when ordinary mums like Anna Bolach can shut down Drag Queen story times all over America, and her movement is gaining momentum, with many other “500 Mum Strong” groups starting up.
We also have our own heroines, Wendy Francis at ACL and Kirralie Smith at Binary are fighting back on our behalf, here in Australia. They deserve our support.
PS: By the way the police snippers were not there to protect the mums, but the LGBT activists, who had lied to police, saying that they’d received death threats from Anna Bolach.
Vic Matthews, has three degrees B.Optom, B.Arts& B. Christian Studies. He is a kiteboard tragic, who now works as a Christian Copywriter. He can be found at http://trustworthycopywriter.com/writing-services/christian-copywriter/
Vic Matthews' previous articles may be viewed http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/vic-matthews.html