A conservative Christian group is calling for Americans to embark on a national day of prayer and fasting for the war in Iraq to seek for God's wisdom before the September Congressional briefing by General Petraeus on the situation in Iraq.
The Christian Defence Coalition is leading a historic prayer delegation to Baghdad that is scheduled to leave on Tuesday, with its director, Reverend Patrick Mahoney saying that what happens in the next few months will have a profound impact on the region and has urged that Americans 'humble' themselves to seek for the Lord in this critical period.
"What happens in the next few months will have a profound impact on the future course of Iraq, the United States, and the entire region. In response to this critical hour, it is essential that we urgently humble ourselves and look to God for His sovereign grace, blessing and wisdom in all that we do."
Even though there are sharp differences among the opinions regarding U.S. involvement in Iraq, Reverend Mahoney said now was the time to set aside these differences and seek God for His decision.
"Now is the time for Americans to lay our political differences aside concerning the war in Iraq and humbly seek God for His direction."
Despite the disagreement, Reverend Mahoney went on to highlight the factors which unite Americans and said that this prayer initiative offers a unique opportunity for Americans to come together with one voice before God.
"Although there has been much debate, discussion and disagreement in our country regarding events in Iraq, there are many things Americans are united on -- such as justice and mercy which will always triumph over terror and fear."
"We can also agree that the violence and bloodshed in Iraq must come to an end. This historic prayer initiative offers a unique opportunity to come together in one voice before God and leave our political differences at the water's edge."
The war in Iraq is now one of the most divisive issues in America, where the country is debating on how to deal with the situation. In September, General David Petraeus will brief the U.S. Congress about whether the 'surge' in U.S. troops is working.
This briefing will be closely watched by all to see the next move the politician, especially the presidential-candidates from both parties, will take to deal with the issue.