Offline viewing will never be allowed on video streaming services on Netflix. Cliff Edwards, Director of Corporate Communication of Netflix, said to TechRadar that: "It's never going to happen."
Customers with limited or slow speed Wi-Fi preferred to download his favourite movie or TV show, like House of Card, for clearer viewing later. Offline viewing, for Edwards, is "short term fix for a bigger problem." Netflix really believes that speeds of Wi-Fi in 5 years time, will really improve greatly that most users would not care about downloading videos or TV shows.
There are doubts at Netflix with regards to the offline viewing's benefits in the past, reminiscing 2012 that, "There are some user cases where streaming isn't best used – like when you are on a plane with your device, but it is such a small proportion of the market it's not really beneficial to pursue this."
Some airlines are initiating to switch into satellite connections which works faster, but still unclear if these connections will be a standard when the decade ends, or how can they sustain the connection if everyone in the plane will use the connection to stream Netflix. There are just some problems that require another new set of solution.
Though it is easy to imagine that the average speed of Wi-Fi will improve to provide high-definition and standard-definition streaming that will likely be interruption free. Netflix's 4K streaming has already been presented to users with "a steady internet connection speed of 25Mbps or higher."
4K is still an inexperienced market now. 4K's capability to download movies and TV shows to be used for offline viewing will allow users that have a 4K TV to still benefit from 4K content such as "House of Cards" and "Breaking Bad". The user doesn't need to pay additional premium to have a faster internet.