The song Healer has become an anthem of faith for believers, many of whom are suffering from illness and praying for a miracle for Mr. Guglielmucci. His performance in the live Hillsong DVD has attracted 300,000 hits on YouTube, and show him singing with an oxygen tube in his nose.
"This news has come as a great shock to everyone including, it seems, his own wife and family," Hillsong general manager George Aghajanian said in an email to his congregation yesterday.
"Michael has confirmed that he is not suffering with a terminal illness and is seeking professional help in Adelaide with the support of his family. We are asking our church to pray for the Guglielmucci family during this difficult time."
Mr. Guglielmucci was a pastor of Planetshakers, one of Australia's biggest youth churches.
"We are very concerned for the many people who have been or will be hurt by Michael's actions. We encourage all of our churches to pray for all those affected," said the Australian Christian Church vice president Alun Davies.
But supporters have rallied around Mr Guglielmucci, including former Family First MLC and Paradise Church pastor Andrew Evans, who said "My gut feeling is that people will forgive him."
Mr. Evans' son Russell founded PlanetShakers and has preached alongside Mr. Guglielmucci.
Hillsong will be pulling albums from stores, and taking out Healer from its album "This is Our God".