The Queen was patron to over 600 charities, many of them Christian and some of them, like Bible Society, the Council of Christians and Jews, and the National Churches Trust, came under her patronage from the start of her reign or very soon thereafter. Some of their tributes are below:
Bible Society Chief Executive Paul Williams
We cannot understand the Queen without reference to her Christian faith. There's a marvellous section in her Coronation service when she was presented with a Bible, described as the "Rule for the whole life and government of Christian Princes" and "the most valuable thing that this world affords". The Queen's life and testimony make it clear that she took these words very seriously.
The Queen's faith has made a real difference to her reign and to the nation. She attended church more than weekly, prayed and read the Bible. Her Christian faith has been her guide during the highs and lows of her life and because of that she has been able to be a stable and enduring presence in our national life ... I think the Queen will be remembered in line with these words from Proverbs 10.7, "The memory of the righteous is a blessing."
Luke March, Chairman of the National Churches Trust
Her Majesty dedicated her life to the people of her nation and Commonwealth and now we must dedicate our thoughts and prayers to honouring her life and work.
As one of the first charities to be honoured with the Patronage of Queen Elizabeth, we have been very grateful to have had her support continuously throughout her reign.
Churches are impressive, exciting, and surprising places that help to bring communities and our nation together.
Always confident of her steadfast support, since 1953 we have been able to keep many thousands of them open, being used and in good repair; a remarkable and enduring legacy to her support."
Thank you, Your Majesty.
The Council of Christians and Jews
The death of HM The Queen is a loss that is keenly felt by Britain's Christian and Jewish communities. She has been a beacon of understanding and tolerance in British society between different faith and ethnic groups.
At CCJ, we were privileged to have her as our Patron since 1952, making us one of the first charities to which Her Majesty pledged her support. Through this role and more widely, she conveyed a deep sense of the importance of interfaith relations, inspired by her own Christian faith. This fundamental message was often communicated in her Christmas broadcasts, which so sincerely conveyed a Christian message and at the same time had a more universal appeal, across the boundaries of faiths and nations.
On the many occasions that HM the Queen supported CCJ's work, she expressed her personal endorsement of endeavours to improve relationships between people of different faiths in her diverse kingdom. Her Majesty generously hosted annual receptions for CCJ Presidents and members in the 1980s and '90s, and was a special guest at CCJ's 70th anniversary celebration in 2011. All these occasions are remembered warmly by those who attended.
We at CCJ are deeply grateful to Her Majesty for the service she gave to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth and particularly to relationships between Jews and Christians. We are confident that her legacy of faith, duty and hope will inspire all of us to do more to strengthen our country's community of faiths.
We pray for the memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and pass on our sincere condolences to HM The King along with the entire Royal Family; and we pray for HM The King as he begins his reign.
The Boys' Brigade
For the duration of her reign, The Boys' Brigade was proud to have Queen Elizabeth II as its Patron.
Following in the footsteps of her father (King George VI) and grandfather (King George V) the Queen took a keen interest in the social work and service to the nation undertaken by members of the Brigade. The Queen will live long in the memories of many for her devoted service as our Patron.
Jonathan Eales, Chief Executive of The Boys' Brigade, commented: "We are all deeply saddened by the death of our Patron, Her Majesty The Queen. The thoughts and prayers of the entire BB family are with the Royal Family at this difficult time."
Church Army
For most of her reign, Church Army UK & Ireland has been honoured by the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Today, Church Army joins with millions of people around the world in deep sadness at her Majesty's passing. In a long and distinguished reign much has been demanded of her. It has been a reign marked by an unshakeable sense of the responsibility of her position, and graced by consistent service to others, and humble obedience to the faith that has guided her steps.
Church Army, which has for so long benefited from her Majesty's patronage, has partner organisations across the Commonwealth and beyond. We are organisations of service and faith that have drawn inspiration from the Queen's example.
Together with this extended family we express our deep condolences to the Royal Family, and our gratitude for the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
Sheran Harper, Worldwide President, Mothers' Union
Her Majesty has had a long and extraordinary life in which she saw our world change dramatically. Yet Her Majesty's dedication and service to her country, the Church and Commonwealth remained steadfast and continued to be an inspiration to us all, keeping us together in all situations.
We give thanks to God for her being our Patron, for blessing her with special gifts for a life humbly dedicated to public service, her strong faith as she weathered many storms; her commitment and devotion to family life; and her great concern for communities and all people.
Her guidance and support of Mothers' Union over the decades has enabled us to achieve so much in impacting communities and touching lives. During times of ongoing war and turmoil around the world, she reminded us of the healing power of forgiveness, peace and reconciliation. This inspired us and encouraged us to work for harmony and good relationships among all people in our communities.
Her spirit of acceptance to change and transformation through the years and her ability to take others on the journey of change is testimony to her great strength as a leader and her faith in change that is inevitable. This outlook on life strengthened Mothers' Union members to embrace all opportunities of change and transformation that truly reflect the worldwide nature of our movement.
We will always remember her intelligence and humility in making wise decisions, her charm and sense of humour, and her sincere caring and gentleness. Hers was a life born to serve God and all humanity and her legacy that will live on in so many ways and in the hearts of all Mothers' Union members for generations to come.
On behalf of the Worldwide Board of Trustees, Staff and Members all around the world, we pray for the peaceful resting of Her Majesty's soul with the sure hope of her rising in glory.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Romans 8:38a (NLT)
Mission to Seafarers
As The Mission to Seafarers global community, we join in shared gratitude for the life of our Patron, Queen Elizabeth. We give thanks for her supportive association with us over so many years. We give thanks for the interest she took in seafarers, in shipping and in maritime mission and welfare. We honour that example of duty, service and compassion which has inspired and transformed so many. We give thanks for her steadfast faith and Christian witness, demonstrated in both word and deed. In giving thanks we also pray for her family and all who mourn. Comfort them in loss and support them as they prepare for the future. These thanks and prayers we offer in the name of Jesus who taught us that as you walk with us in love throughout our lives, so you wait for us in love at the end of our lives. Amen.
Sam Richardson, Chief Executive of SPCK
SPCK was greatly privileged to have Queen Elizabeth as our Patron. Her Majesty's faith was an inspiration to us at SPCK as it was to the wider world. We greatly appreciated Her Majesty's interest in and support for the work of SPCK, and we pass our condolences on to the Royal Family and all who are mourning.
Church Pastoral Aid Society
We are profoundly sad to hear of the death of Her Majesty the Queen, our Patron, who dedicated her faith-filled life to the service of her country. We offer sincere condolences to all of the royal family at this time.
She embodied so many of the things that are precious to us as a Christian charity, and we will miss having her as a figurehead.
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
Psalm 62:5-6
The Royal Foundation of St Katharine
The Royal Foundation of St Katharine remembers with great fondness our patron. She faithfully cared for St Katharine's for over 20 years and made a royal visit in 2012. The chapel is open 8am - 11pm for anyone to come to light a candle or pray.