But Dawkins, defending his decision, previously shared during a panel that Craig was not a worthy opponent.
"I always said when invited to do debates that I would be happy to debate a bishop, a cardinal, a pope, an archbishop, indeed I have done those, but I don't take on creationists and I don't take on people whose only claim to fame is that they are professional debaters; they've got to have something more than that. I'm busy."
Though the author of The Blind Watchmaker and The God Delusion found Craig's background insubstantial, many of his fellow atheists have debated with the theologian, including Bart Ehrman, Richard Taylor, and two of the "Four Horsemen" of New Atheism, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.
In fact, Harris once described Craig as "the one Christian apologist who has put the fear of God into many of [his] fellow atheists."
Not only a "professional debater" as Dawkins labeled him, Craig has authored or edited over 30 books, and also is the current research professor of philosophy at the Talbot School of Theology in California.
He has made significant contributions to the philosophy of time and religion, and also works as a New Testament historian.
Dawkins' refusal to debate Craig has become an international issue, with many critics and intellectuals interpreting the British evolutionary biologist's actions as a sign of cowardice.
"The absence of debate with the foremost apologist for Christian theism is a glaring omission on your [cover letter] and is of course apt to be interpreted as cowardice on your part," Daniel Came, an atheist and Worcester College philosophy lecturer wrote to Dawkins in a letter, according to the Telegraph.
"I notice that, by contrast, you are happy to discuss theological matters with television and radio presenters and other intellectual heavyweights like Pastor Ted Haggard of the National Association of Evangelicals and Pastor Keenan Roberts of the Colorado Hell House."
Using his own commandment against him, "Never cut yourself off from dissent," Dawkins, ignoring the backlash surrounding the debate, continues to decline requests from Craig to defend his arguments outlined in The God Delusion.
Nonetheless, the Talbot professor is still opening up the opportunity for Dawkins to accept his invitation to debate one-on-one with him at Oxford's Sheldonian Theater on Tuesday, Oct. 26, though many are uncertain whether he will show or not.
Dawkins earlier refused public debate invitations with the British Humanist Association, the Cambridge Union, Premier Radio and the Oxford Christian Union as well.
He told The Daily Telegraph that he had "no intention of assisting Craig in his relentless drive for self-promotion."
While some support and respect Dawkins' choice in declining the debate, others still hope that he will accept Craig's invitation.
In addition to Craig's upcoming tour in the U.K., he will also be speaking at Southern Evangelical Seminary's 18th annual National Conference on Christian Apologetics in October, where experts will bring new insights on the issues Christians face in politics, education, business, the marketplace, and other aspects of life.