Garvin Arthur' story is as follows: In 1996 age 17 he joined Paradise Baptist Church in Turks & Caicos Islands. This singer song writer was bold in lyrics, soulful and musically refreshing in sound. He became Choir Director/Praise & Worship Leader and his versatility soon became apparent. His mum and dad's accidental passing was a tragic loss but which proved to be his wake-up call. Garvin Arthur began singing in Church, attending prayer meetings and reaching out in the community with the youth ministry.
In 1997 he gained notoriety as a tenor and lead vocalist in "Is God Good or What'? He became a writer, composer and singer for the church's international choir appearing at TBN, Jenny Jones Show, Chicago International Travel Show, and Light House Church in Chicago and West Angeles Church of God in Christ. The release of their first Album in 2003 was "an event" and he wrote the song "overcometh," as a means to get over his parent's death.
Relocating to the UK a turning point
When he relocated to the UK he started making an impact on the Gospel scenes. He ministered to places like Surface Festival at the O2, House on the Rock (The Overflow), Set Him Off (Give It UP Experience), Totally Addicted (Love World TV), Faith TV and New Testament Church of God (Cathedral of Praise) and many others. Garvin's wonderful sense of humour, charming personality and vivacious, down-to-earth manner is the key to his acclaim and he constantly quotes Proverbs: "A merry heart doeth good like medicine."
Garvin Arthur was asked his insight into his participation in "London Bridging the Gap" with LWFCI and he exclaimed that the mighty hand of God is moving in such a way that people are being set free, delivered and lives are totally changing. Ministries and the body of Christ are coming together as one to glorify His name and win souls for the kingdom.
Then he was asked as to what led you to join with LWFCI and Dr. Sam Mings? "I was led to join this ministry, because I already see what God is doing and what is about to happen. The enemy don't like when the body of Christ join forces. It's a power house to join forces with other believers. We are spiritual warriors and as the body of Christ, coming together serving one God is dynamic and powerful.
How then does he see his ministry making a difference in London? "I believe that as we preach the word both in word and music, lives will be touched and converted to Christ. As a Worship minister, I am prepared to lead worship or minister special songs either through formal events, park crusades or outdoor one to one evangelism.
Garvin Arthur exclaimed that his prayer and dream is that the body of Christ experiences worshipping together, finding time to reunite often in London, have the fellowship, win souls for the Kingdom, be a kingdom warrior always, never give up the fight as we are conquerors.
LWFCI is this remarkable God inspired vehicle at each Olympics' whereby the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached to the 4 corners not only of London but to the ends of the earth so as to witness souls for the kingdom
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