I’m sure there’s a passage in the Old Testament somewhere that speaks about ‘The 6 day-work thing’. Oh yeah, I remember (pity our church leaders can’t) it’s in Exodus chapter 20.
Let me describe the scene for you. God’s people are at base camp, before Mt Sinai, and while their leader Moses is at the summit, amidst the lightning and thunder, smoke and fire, God speaks to Moses (the mountains tremble) and He says (please take note)
‘Six days you shall labour and do all your work……………….’
Imagine that, the omnipotent God of the universe, who created you and the planet, commanded us to work. Well, you’d never know, if you were relying on your Pastor to tell you.
The sound of silence
Why is there no outrage, no strident voice of indignation from our church leaders, against compulsory vaccination in order to work? Where’s the ecclesiastic valour to defend our divinely given right to work? The right to work which cannot be arbitrarily rescinded by the rulers of the Fourth Reich.
Evidently like ‘little boy blue’ they’re under the haystack fast asleep. Or maybe they too have fallen prey to the Mass Psychosis controlling the minds of the populace. We’ll look at this psychological phenomenon later. But for now, I think we can safely say our weak denominational leadership remains largely incognisant of the imperative issued to all mankind ‘Six days you shall labour’.
Weak leadership opens the gate to tyranny
Oh yeah, by the way if you missed it, like the Caesars of the 1st century, Dictator Dan has assumed a new title ‘Pontifex Maximus’. In case you’re not a student of ancient history, that means not only was Caesar the supreme ruler of all the political, military and administrative arms of government, he was also the Great High Priest of the religions of Rome.
It seems that Pope Dan now promulgates ecclesiastic policy. Thus, says Caesar Danielus Andreus ‘All ministers of religion shall from this day forward be double vaccinated or suffer extreme punishment at the hands of my minions, (aka the Victorian Police)’
You heard right. The state Premier decides who can administer the sacraments, preach the word and shepherd the flock. And it’s only the vaccinated.
Hmm …… pity! I think I heard a pin drop in the denominational synod chambers around the country. No outcry, no protest and no opposition, from our uncompromising church leaders. Just conformity. My heart breaks! Where are the Elijahs of our day, sticking it to Ahab?
Hey! What about Scomo, after all we all know Daniel Andrews is the anti-Christ, but Scomo’s a Christian, isn’t he?
Well, if you think Scomo is coming to save you, sorry you’re wrong. As the PM himself has said and I quote “the Bible is not a policy handbook, and I get very worried when people try to treat it like one”.
True to his conviction (when it suits), he clearly demonstrates that the Bible has no relevance to our divinely conferred human rights. Because if he did, then he would have spoken against mandatory vaccinations for workers. But instead, he encouraged employers to throw their conscientious objectors under a bus, for not taking part in the world’s largest clinical trial.
But here’s the thing, sadly a large cohort of our fellow Australians are now not only unemployed, they are also unemployable, forced into penury, courtesy of our beloved Christian PM.
There is little sympathy for the unvaxed
At the bleeding heart of the mandatory vaccination issue is the divinely bestowed attribute of freedom of conscience. An attribute unique to God’s image bearers. And sadly, one which the law, government and church leadership appear to ignore.
God has given each of us the capacity to know in our heart of hearts what is right and wrong. Paul states the role of conscience very clearly in Romans chapter 2: They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.
And again in Romans chapter 14 when referring to ‘disputable matters….. So, whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves’.
Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated have legitimate reasons for the views they hold on the subject. It’s not a matter of who’s right and who’s wrong. Rather the imperative for Christians and dare I say governments is to grant people the right to dissent from public policy in disputable matters, matters of conscience.
It’s contrary to the notion of freedom of conscience to force people to take an experimental vaccine, under duress and coercion, when their conscience tells them it’s wrong.
The Mass Psychosis gripping our nation and other Western countries is erasing the legitimacy of conscientious objection. Big Pharma’s propaganda which is being disseminated through the agency of the fawning-obsequious MSM has convinced governments, health officials and citizens that C-19 is tantamount to the Black Death, and cajoled us into believing that we need to sacrifice our God-ordained freedoms (one of which is the right to work) for safety from the Plague.
As Benjamin Franklin said, ‘The person who trades their freedom for security, doesn’t deserve, nor will ever receive, either’.
Beware! We’re either entering or leaving a new phase of this pandemic, where crisis management is becoming crisis totalitarianism. Our freedoms lost and tyranny is just one step away.