“Your eyes saw, my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet, there were none of them.” (Psalms Chapter 139 verse 16)
I’m Rume Kpadamrophe, I live in Lagos, Nigeria.
My early years
I was born on April 23rd, 1994 as the second child of a lovely family. According to my mum, I was given the name, Oghenerume (God has done it for me) because my birth coincided with my family’s change in fortunes. My childhood is full of wonderful memories.
I remember making kites, listening to African fables under the moot-lit sky, staying awake during Christmas eve, playing soccer barefooted with my friends or going to children’s church on Sunday. I grew up in a Christian home and from a young age, my parents instilled the right values in me.
I seem to have developed a keen interest in the supernatural from a young age, maybe because I grew up hearing tales of witches or diabolical people doing harm to people. It was not uncommon in those days to find people visiting juju priests to gain insight into the future, to harm someone or to protect themselves from various attacks.
My family chose to stick with Christ and I’m glad we did.
My school days
During my primary school days, I was always among the top 5 in my class. I remember being disgusted when I was about 8 because a certain girl named, Ruth always came ahead of me in class. I finally caught up with her some months later as we both took the 1st position in class.
During my high school days, I was part of a Christian fellowship led by a teacher. We had some wonderful times of worship. In 2011, I was admitted into the University of Benin and this is where I truly encountered Christ.

Days of awe
In 2012, I had the privilege of encountering Christ through a group of believers that were in the middle of a move of God. A friend invited me to a ministry called, Christ Arsenal Ministries. Although I had been a Christian for as long as I could remember, I never really had a personal relationship with Christ.
Meeting these people was a Kairos moment for me because as I fellowshipped with them, Christ became real to me. I met young people like myself that were so passionate to win souls that they’d sometimes stay in school late into the night to preach to students all over campus.
It was not uncommon to find young ladies operating in the prophetic or healing the sick. It is said that fire is contagious and by the help of God, I caught this fire. Some of my friends thought I had gone insane. We worshiped God with reckless abandon, preached all over campus and we were not ashamed because we knew we had met the risen Christ. We felt we could take on the world.
I remember having several dreams of Jesus. In 2014, I spent 6 months in Togo as part of my academic program. The fire did not dim. I and a couple of friends had some of the most glorious time in God’s presence. We would worship and go into divine ecstasies.
We invaded the streets of Togo to proclaim the risen Christ to people. I remember during one of our meetings, a Togolese brother received the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues for the first time. A 10 years old girl also had a similar experience. During one of those nights, some saw angels moving as light around us as we worshipped. I returned to Nigeria in July 2014.
I graduated from the University of Benin in 2015. I was my department’s Christian fellowship president before my graduation. After my graduation, I pastored a youth ministry for a while after which I worked as a teacher at a secondary school in Port Harcourt.
By the grace of God, I started a youth fellowship there which is still thriving. In 2018, God took me into a period of hiding. I was without a job as I had moved to another state. I spent a lot of personal time with God and he dealt with a lot of negative stuffs that were still in my heart. I also used this time to study history - God said it was necessary for what he had called me for. I finally got a job later in the year and another one in 2019.
How I became a young writer
Sometime in 2018, I became friends with PSI senior writer, Josh Robbie on Facebook. We chatted for a while and I discovered that we had some things in common. Prior to that time, I had never had a conversation with an Aussie.
Some months later, he posted on Facebook that Christian Today Australia needed some young writers. I quickly expressed my interest and I was added to the team.
It was a life changing moment for me; one that was certainly orchestrated by Yahweh himself.
In 2019, I was awarded the annual Youth Development Award. Time has certainly flown by very fast but in all, I give glory to God because I know that his thoughts for me are of good and my future is secured in the hands of the one who saw my form while I was yet unborn.