The Bible is full of women who had been cast out by society; who would remain nameless and without a story to be told if not for the story God had written them.
As an artist, I have found inspiration in many places; my own life experiences, the moments I share with the Lord in worship and prayer, and in the case of these three women, it was in history books.
A quick search for early photographs and you’ll find scores of portraits; mothers, daughters, sisters; each simply titled “Woman wearing jewellery”, “Nomad Woman”, “Servant Woman”. Somewhere in History’s writing, these women and their images have become artifacts, their names and stories have been forgotten by the records, if ever they had been asked.
I looked into the faces of these nameless women and saw the faces of the women the world forgot, but the Lord remembered; Hagar, Rehab, Tamar, Mary Magdalene, and those women who were never named, but will forever be known as daughters of God through the compassion of Jesus Christ.
I spent my time in pencil, honouring their stories, hoping that each mark might be a symbol of the loveour Saviour had for these women of yesterday. He knows them not as artifacts, but as the masterpieces of his own hands; the redeemer of our stories.