Today we find ourselves living in a very fractured and polarised society. Politicians and ideologues have divided society up along divisions of class, race, gender etc., as part of their agenda.
The agenda is to manufacture disorder and then swoop in to provide their 'solution', while accruing more power to themselves in the process. I should also add that we inevitably surrender more of our freedoms over in this process as the government acquires more intrusive control over our lives.
Separation anxiety
Identity politics is a tactic used to put a wedge between different groups in society.
The very essence of breaking people up and dividing by racial lines creates an us-versus-them mentality, where superficial differences are exaggerated, and common values are ignored and overlooked.
Victim-status is often assigned based on race or class membership. People will self-identify and perceive themselves as victims if they belong to certain appointed groups, as determined by the liberal establishment.
Cultivating victimhood and a sense of helplessness is a huge industry today (what I call the grievance industry). Feelings of disenfranchisement and hopelessness are one of the biggest causes of crime, according to a psychology study that has come out.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
People feel marginalised by society because they have been fed the narrative that they are helpless victims of oppressive social structures created by white people (while living in one of the most generous and egalitarian Nanny-states in history).
Naturally many of these people will rebel against society and develop feelings of resentment and frustration, hindering their integration as functional and productive citizens. When people believe a lie about themselves, or they adopt a negative false script, even subconsciously, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy in their lives.
If everyone knew scripture they wouldn't adopt the subconscious narrative of 'I'm a powerless and oppressed minority', but would instead recite the words of Paul: 'I can do all things through Christ who lives in me' and 'we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus'. There is little room for developing a bad attitude and blaming everyone else for one's plight in such a free society. We came into this world with nothing, so many of us have to start from scratch, and blaming society for being poor is unhelpful.
Once given victim status by the progressive establishment, one is then recognised as an 'oppressed class' by the rest of society, which subsequently needs to make amends for their evil deeds against that said class. So the victim identity people take on directly leads to a sense of entitlement. People naturally enjoy special treatment and entitlements. Entitlements are the building blocks of socialism. (Socialism doesn't produce or build anything, it just re-apportions the wealth)
The 'right' to entitlements due to one's sense of victimhood, easily guides people toward a dependency on the government as the arbiter and dispenser of justice, to rectify all of society's often imaginary slights and abuse against victim-groups.
This sense of dependence on the government guides people into a child-like way of seeing the world. It removes them from a mentality necessary for a success and achievement: self-sufficiency and personal responsibility (notice these are the opposite of victimhood, dependence, and blame-shifting. And also these qualities constitute part of the well-known 'Protestant work-ethic').
The victim narrative is an escape and cop out for people taking responsibility and ownership of their lives. It's so much easier to just blame everyone else instead of reflecting on ourselves, because that will inevitably dig up issues we don't want to deal with.
And it's so much easier to surrender our agency and welfare to the government instead of taking autonomy and authority over our own lives, to carve out an honourable and godly life in the world, rather than expecting the state to dish it out to us.
Amos is an evangelical conservative, who cares about where the world is going, and seeks to understand why it is happening, especially in light of prophecy and the spiritual powers behind the scenes. Amos currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand. Amos pursues salvation for the lost, and considers himself a defender of traditional Christian values, liberal democracy and the historically unprecedented freedom and liberty established and defended by our forebears – which unfortunately, is gradually being eroded.
Amos Sale's previous articles may be viewed at