I never get tired of looking out from my timber deck into an adjacent park, shown in the photo. I see the fertile, tree-lined landscape. I see many people passing by getting out to enjoy the sun. It’s awesome.
However recently, as I looked on, the spirit of God came upon me to paint this view, as “The Parable of the Sower’ (See Mark Chapter 4), through a vision. ‘The Sower’ was told by Jesus so his disciples would understand Jesus-Messiah’s kingdom arrival on earth, just as a farmer sows seed.
Jesus shared; some seed falls the hard path. See the six birds representing Satan who steals the seed of God’s word from the hearts of men? Can you relate to showing interest in God, getting distracted, off the path, like the man in red symbolising a flat-footed, famished Edomite?
Some seed takes roots but quickly withers due to difficult conditions. See the barren ground on the left with three divinely withered plants that never took root? Our trials are meant to transform us to have deeper faith and convictions in God’s word. The sun enables life and can also harden.
Some seed falls on good soil, but thorns choke it. See the thorn bushes on the bottom right corner, hindering access to the fruitful path? Have we plateaued in our walk due to fears, worries and desires?
Some seed falls on good soil, speaking of good hearts that respond to God. They persevere and see 30-, 60- and 100-fold increase. I pictured it as a path going from flowers which eventually fade, to the flowering gum, to up top on the right as a majestic fir tree. In Hosea chapter 14 God says, I am a like a flourishing fir tree, I can make you fruitful.”
So, where are we at today in our hearts? Do you want to trust God to be completely fruitful in Christ, going from the seed to a mature son, in your personal calling; need some faith-inspiration?
I was recently contacted by a pastor friend who has written his biography. The spirit confirmed him to me as one as the one who reveals the power of The Sower parable in practice, embodying my painting’s meaning.
I have known Dr.Brendan Kirby for over twenty five years and witnessed his humble beginnings firsthand. He started as a faithful deacon in our fellowship. He loved and studied God’s word of God intensely, as he worked for many years as a research scientist for government.
He was eventually led of God to go full time and pioneer a church in Adelaide, with his wife Helen, which today is a thriving fellowship in the heart of that city. That was the beginning. He has gone on to be a 100-fold worker seeing God expand his kingdom through him with about 300 churches started in India and Africa, which is ramping up today.
What do you see in your backyard in your city, nation and the nations? Dr.Brendan understood the warmth of God’s love shown by the sun and saw a lively Sower. Our Father in heaven never tires of seeing his Sowers raised up like the man in the heavenly blue, on the path, connecting with others on his mobile.
Do check out Dr. Brendan’s new book, with his teachings on how we can grow and develop our faith and overcome our 7 enemies of faith, at Koorong titled: “Your Faith Determines Your Future!: Lifting the Limits Off Your Life.” All sale monies received are for the mission work.