|PIC1|The groom, Mr Darrell Sellers the second son of well known philanthropist Mr Basil Sellers married Ruth Nel from South Africa at St Marks church, Darling Point with the reception at the Quay Restaurant at The Rocks, Sydney.
Mark and Delma Tronson have had a close association with the Sellers family for twenty one years. Mark was likewise invited to say Grace at Basil Sellers' 70th birthday celebration held in Adelaide in 2005.
Darrell asked Basil to discuss the Grace for his own wedding reception with Mark Tronson, and it was suggested that it take the form of 'a Blessing and a Grace', similar to the previous birthday celebration.
M V Tronson has been the Australian cricket team chaplain, and now is chairman of Well-Being Australia, a mission that covers many sporting and recreational ministries centred around the health-giving and pastoral aspects of respite in the Tweed (where he now resides) and in Moruya (where he used to live). Many of his ventures have been well supported by Basil Sellers.
As part of his ministry, he writes extensively for international and national on-line Christian news sites and specialised newsletters, including those for retired cricketers and railway personnel, as well as four Christian articles a week for 'Basil Sellers Press Service International'.
"My immediate task was to seek the Lord Jesus in prayer for wisdom, after which I made some jottings and formulated some ideas and discussed them with colleagues and family," Mark Tronson explained.
The Blessing and Grace was finally penned and was offered as follows:
"A Grace for the wedding reception of Darrell and Ruth Sellers.
The mysteriously bewildering state of Marriage is where partners find themselves and each other:
ï'§ overflowing with wonderful surprises;
ï'§ energised through a smile, a look, a twitch;
ï'§ enjoying the paths of discovery;
ï'§ finding fresh beginnings;
ï'§ having fun in their deliberations;
ï'§ seeking wisdom and good judgment in the wonderment that the Lord offers.
And above all this, they will find simple joy in having a family meal together.
So for 'this first meal' as a family unit for Darrell and Ruth, to which we have been most graciously invited this evening, so as to join 'this new family', we say,
"Lord Jesus, a very special 'thank you'."
Numerous people expressed their heart felt appreciation as they'd realised this was the first occasion the bride and groom had joined together for a meal and they had been been invited.
"What was pleasing were the three men who spoke to me privately as to their searching their hearts for the Lord, something they had not seriously considered for over 20 years," M V Tronson said. "This was indeed a blessing of a different kind!"