My young social media friends often begin their posts with the phrase: That moment when... This is usually followed by something awkward that has happened to them or something obvious has dawned on them such as 'that moment when you realise you've turned up to work with two different socks on' or similar.
Well, I've got a few of my own:
That moment when... you try to elegantly enter the water in your swimming costume for the first time in Summer, and then get pummelled by the first wave resurfacing with your hair all over your face, smacked by sand and gasping for air.
That moment when...you turn up to a friend's BBQ in an A-line cotton dress and stand on their high deck on a windy day only to find you can't see your friend while they are talking to you because your dress is in the air.
That moment when...your friend says happy birthday to you and you say happy birthday back to them and it's not even their birthday.
And I could go on but I think that is enough embarrassment for one day. You may or may not relate. Hopefully I'm not the only one who has things like this happen to them—in fact, I can safely say I'm not (there must be at least one other person out there).
Just laugh
When I was younger, these kind of moments would have left me dying from embarrassment as the saying goes. But I find as I am celebrating more birthdays, my reactions to these situations are different. My first reaction of course is blood-draining-from-my-face shock! Following that mini-moment, my reaction is to burst into laughter, (laughing with myself of course - not at myself) and when I think about it again later—to laugh some more.
When I resurfaced from the pummelling wave from my first example, I was comforted by the hysterical laughter of my husband. I imagined how ridiculous it must have looked and was really glad I had been able to entertain him, and therefore joined in his laughter (making a mental note not to hold back my laughter next time something similar happens to him).
Falling short
When we think about how we were created, it is actually a blessing to have faults. So many times I fall short of my expectations. In a perfect world I would never offend anyone; I would be available to attend every invitation; I would remember every special date (and to write it on the calendar); I would remember people's names (especially when introducing them to others); I would have a perfect variety of meals every night of the week and my house would be immaculately clean.
But it's not. And although it is not my intention, I probably let people down more than I would like to and that makes me sad. But when I stop to think about it, I realise I should probably go a little easier on myself.
So many times I wish I could master everything and be done with it but when I stop and see that those close to me, actually love me with all my faults (and even draw entertainment from them) I realise that that kind of love is a beautiful thing—it's comforting and reassuring. That kind of love is called unconditional love.
Unconditional love
There are so many things to thank God for, but right near the top of my list would have to be, that he loves us unconditionally. Firstly, he made us, so he loves us immediately without us even having to do anything. Secondly, he knows we're not perfect and was willing to die to present us as perfect before God. And last but not least, we are his workmanship and he is always working on us to create who he made us to be.
I love the story in the Bible about the woman who washed Jesus' feet in expensive perfume. She had lived a life of sin and was so grateful to Jesus for his forgiveness that she wept and kissed his feet while washing them. This upset the owner of the house but after explaining to him the reason behind this woman's gratefulness for forgiveness, Jesus simply said, "Therefore her sins—and they are many—are forgiven, for she loved me much; but one who is forgiven little, shows little love." (Luke chapter 7 verse 47)
Faults and all
If we were created perfect, we would have no need for God. We would have no appreciation for the forgiveness he offers and we would have no love for the one who created us because we would be self-sufficient. Knowing our humanness and being aware of our temporary state on this earth, makes what Jesus did for us so very amazing and life-giving.
He saved us. He actually saved us from ourselves and the more we realise our shortcomings, the more we can love the one who saved us, because he loves us regardless of what we've done or how many times we embarrass ourselves.
So next time you do something embarrassing, remember that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and thank Jesus that he loves us—faults and all.

Rebecca and her husband, have four children and live on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Rebecca writes for various publications including print, online and commercial. She has recently published her first book 'First to Forty'. You can view her website at : http://www.rebeccamoore.life
Rebecca Moore's previous articles may be viewed at www.pressserviceinternational.org/rebecca-moore.html