Andrew Sinclair

Press Service International

Andrew Sinclair is a Kiwi living in Sydney, Australia with his wife Sophia and their sons Guy and Frank. He is studying theology at Sydney Missionary and Bible College.

Andrew Sinclair's previous articles may be viewed at

  • Has Facebook changed friendship?

    I have 17 Facebook friend requests I don't know what to do with. There are the people I haven't seen in ages, but I'm not sure I want to reconnect with them.

  • God wants you to be miserable and other lies

    I moved to beautiful Sydney not so long ago, and let me tell you—there is a lot to like about this city! Beautiful warm days, gorgeous beaches, great food, and the people are pretty friendly too. And yet I get the distinct feeling the city is out to get me.

  • A ‘been there, done that’ Christian?

    I love a good computer game—especially a new one. As a kid I remember fighting my way to be first to play any new game we got.