Ben Campbell
Press Service International

Ben Campbell (Sydney) is the CEO Africa Enterprise.
The changing power of Christ
An update from Nii Amoo (Chairman of AE Ghana’s Board)
Uniting Evangelicals
A day with me at Milne Medical Centre
Proclaim Congress
At the heart of it
Opponents of Christianity declare that it is dead. Despite their untimely celebration, our faith is very much alive. All over the world. In Africa, its pulse beats strong. In a continent that the world may have forgotten, God is weaving His redemption story.
Sharing my wounds gave me complete healing
AEE-Rwanda implements a healing and reconciliation program targeting both students and out of school youth. The program also targets the key community groups that have greater influence on youth. The key ones being parents, teachers, grassroots leaders, and pastors.
Ghana Street Children Apprenticeship Program
Every knee will bow to Jesus in Africa
What makes African Enterprise unique is the fact that our evangelists are locals. They speak the same language as those around them and they come from the same backgrounds, but, what sets them apart from the other locals are their love for Christ, their commitment to Christ, their passion to spread the Gospel and their education and training.
Food for the hungry
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised serious concerns about food security in Africa. From the start of the pandemic, it has been feared that economic recession, along with disruptions to food supply chains, would leave Africa on the brink of starvation.