Caleb Haurua
Press Services International
Caleb Haurua completed his Masters in Applied Theology at Carey Baptist College in 2017. He is the Youth Pastoral Leader at Royal Oak Baptist Church in central Auckland. He loves to ponder, muse, and share thoughts. Hence why he likes the opportunity to write articles like this one. He is especially passionate about the intersection between Church and Society—seeing Christians grow and flourish as participants in God’s ongoing mission to the World.
What the Black Panther has taught me… about Church Leadership
On the 28th of August 2020, the world was rocked by the news that Chadwick Boseman who played the role of the Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe had died of a silent struggle with bowel cancer.
Crazy Conspiracy Christians are giving me a headache
Just this past month, Brian Tamaki, a leader of the Apostolic churches known as Destiny Church, organised something called a freedom march. Basically, he and other Christian leaders, notably Peter Mortlock from City Impact Church, led a giant gathering of over a thousand people in the inner-city for a rally.
Following Jesus is harder than ever
If you are reading this article, it is most likely you are doing so using the Internet and, on your smartphone or laptop. If true, then you are most likely living in a part of the world that is referred to as “the West”, or “the Majority World”. It is to you that I write this article, because it is my belief that for us, following Jesus is harder than ever.
Finding God’s will… by having a barbeque!
As a Pastor, I can recall numerous times sitting across from earnest youth and young adults who are pouring their hearts out to me. And time after time, I get hit with the statement (or something like it), “I just want to do God’s will for my life…but I don’t know what it is”
The problem with baptism
I remember the planning that went into it. I was a 15year old on-fire-for-Jesus Christian who had a holy encounter with God at a church camp. Typical stuff. I was convinced that God was wanting me to get baptised. This was the “next logical step” in my “Christian walk” and nothing was going to stop me.*
Haircuts and holy moments: my barber the pastor
How do you pastor a pastor? I have tried many ways to answer this question in my short time in ministry. Supervision and counselling, networking with fellow pastors and leaders, as well as sabbath-taking.
Christian camps: just how important are they for faith?
Christian camps. What are they good for? Over the years I have oscillated between two polar opposites. On one hand, they are essential for Christians to experience. On the other hand, they can stunt growth and ultimately impede spiritual growth as people succumb to the hype and hoopla.
The housing crises: Where is the church?
I am fascinated by the housing crises that we are living in today here in New Zealand. For those of you who don’t know, our large cities—including the largest one which I happen to call home—is overpopulated and underhoused.
The Church is dying (and why I am happy about it)
In the West, Christianity by all metrics is declining. This is not new information. This has been the case for a long time and only somehow it seems that most are waking up to this fact.
Getting along with the saints below: how to disagree as Christians
This world does not know how to disagree well. I observe it on social media, print media, television, and between family members and friends.