Christina Jones
Press Service International

Christina Jones is a Press Service International young writer from the USA.
Propaganda as Opposed to Journalism
I both love and struggle with the way God is not in the business of sugarcoating anything. For example, a religious person and a non-religious person are equally likely to be offended by something they read in the Bible.
The Thirsty God
In the late 1600s a book was published by the French theologian and mathematician Blaise Pascal titled “Penses” (meaning “Thoughts”). In it he wrote, “What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace?
The children who cross our borders
I remember the first time I saw the photos of Ruby Bridges walking into the formerly all-white Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana on November 14th, 1960. There she was - a six-year-old little girl with a flower in her hair - surrounded by screaming, hateful adults telling her she didn’t have the right to be in their places because of the color of her skin.
Rising Waters
The floods started on a warm, dry day. It was late spring and no rain had fallen in a week, but upstream and out of sight, the unusually warm weather was rapidly melting the remaining snowpack in the mountains. The rivers swelled and began to slip over their banks, threatening the homes that surrounded them.
I am lonely yet God is with me - why?
Somewhere between Sunday School and youth group, I picked up the idea that if I were in a right relationship with God, I would always feel fulfilled.
The long walk
I’ve dealt with constant back pain for going on five years now.
A tale of two gardens
Adam and Eve driven out of Eden with a sword-wielding angel behind them, guarding the way back, is a painful picture of humanity locked out of the connection with God they were created for.
The mess of new beginnings
When I was a child there were orchards all around my house. I liked the old ones best, with their dark, gnarled branches and thick, tangled grass.
Humanity found
Sometimes I wake up feeling terrible. Not a physical kind of terrible, more a doggedly negative state of mind.
What I learned as a leper
I’d traveled a long way, and Northern Japan was frigidly cold. I found myself inside a small gray room with thin walls, bundled up in my coat with the little ones I’d come to be with, trying to get them to do their homework and practice their English please.