Christopher Harris

Press Service International

Christopher Harris is 29 years old and confessed his faith in Jesus Christ in 2016 and has sought to set his focus on the Lord. He makes videos on his youtube channel and believes the world is living in those times prophesied by the Holy Bible as the last days. 

 A link to Christopher’s other articles:

  • The Refining of the Lord

    Since growing more mature in the Lord I have understood in many ways how the Lord is refining me. While the Lord can communicate to each of us in different ways in our lives, He has shown me many things about my character through dreams for the purposes of refining me.

  • Our truth is the Word of God

    In the early part of my journey in reading the word, I found a myriad of information online with many denying the words of the Bible, or denying parts of the word and accepting others. Some were saying things that initially sounded loving with a message of tolerance but I found they were speaking of accepting things the Bible spoke against and were not founded in the word.

  • Resisting the devil

    Before I came to the Lord I never took the concept of the devil seriously. I didn’t believe in a spiritual adversary against all of mankind.

  • The seriousness of the mark of the beast

    Something that has always stood out to me in the Bible of high importance for consideration is the mark of the beast.

  • Good and evil, the struggle against temptation

    Since coming to the truth and growing in the Word of God I have noticed the great discrepancy and deception in worldly thinking regarding what is good and evil.

  • Love the Lord, then our hearts will be satisfied

    I had such an amazing dream recently. It first began with being involved in a spiritual battle with difficult decisions needing to be made quickly.

  • The call of the Lord to us

    In this time and season I have been reflecting on the importance of drawing near to the Lord.

  • Are we living in the last days?

    This is a question I have often asked myself. In fact before I came to the Lord Jesus Christ in 2016, I had dreams about our world changing and great chaos and disaster coming.

  • Same sex marriage, separating the lukewarm in Australia

    The same sex marriage plebiscite is revealing just how many Australians in the Christian faith are lukewarm and refuse to stand for the truth of the Word of God.