Graham McDonald
Press Service International

Graham McDonald is the President of Diduno
David Garland: The man who invented Anzac Day
The catch cry of Chaplain Lieutenant-Colonel Canon David Garland was ‘nothing is too good for our soldier boys’. This shows the heart of a man dedicated to the soldiers he served.
Andrew Barton ‘Banjo’ Paterson: Serving and leading in wartime Egypt
The line of horses struggled in the desert hills, their fetlocks sinking deep in the soft, burning sand. The dust stirred by their efforts rose in the still, searing air.
Arthur Stace: ‘Mr Eternity’
On New Year’s Eve 1999, an estimated 2 billion television viewers around the world watched Sydney’s spectacular millennium fireworks celebrations. The year 2000 was going to be a big year for Sydney. It was going to host the Olympic Games later in the year, and the whole country – actually, the whole world – was watching.
‘Old Charlie’: A rich legacy
Evan Roberts: The great Christmas awakening
Captain Mitsuo Fuchida: Leaving Pearl Harbor and hatred behind
Mary MacKillop, the Children and the Poor
The tiny face of the boy in the rowing boat was screwed up in timidity and fear.
The Holden Car and the Christian Connection
This announcement caused shock waves through Australia as so many of the population had grown up with the Holden brand.
Who is the Child?
Throughout the history of mankind, the natural progression of life has been birth, ultimately followed by death at some point in time. During these trying times it might be worth looking at the importance of parenting.
The Jesus of History
Time Magazine did a story about the ‘Most Significant Person in History’ and concluded after a very comprehensive and detailed research program that Jesus was that person. The results appeared in their December 10th, 2013 edition.