Jason Gay
Press Services International

Jason Gay is an Educational Leader in regional Queensland. Loving husband and father of four, Jason is passionate about seeing all generations equipped with everything they need for a successful and fulfilling life. He writes about politics, theology, and the big ideas of life.
Reading the Bible in a year – Episode 4
In the famous words of the great philosopher Yoda “Do or do not, there is no try”. It is a phrase that has be running through my head this month.
Reading the Bible in a Year: Episode Three
Through this month’s Bible readings, my mind keeps drifting back to the book of Joshua. It is a breath of fresh air that was sorely needed after what seemed a lifetime in the desert. The Israelites finally step foot in the Promised Land and take hold of their inheritance.
Reading the bible in a year: Episode two
After reading Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers, day in and day out for over a month I’ll tell you one thing, Moses would have been better off leaving his people in Egypt.
Reading the Bible in a Year: Episode one
Adoption – The silver bullet in the abortion debate
In a tragedy for the Australian medical community, only 65,000 abortions were performed in Australia in 2019¹. Down ...
Stop doing homework
For many it is a four-letter word. As an educator and a school manager, my view is no different. I was never the student who would get home and studiously work through my spelling list and my math questions. I never started an assignment early or kept a reading diary.
The Idol of Church
When I was a teenager, I had a youth pastor who sat down all the lads in the youth group and had a frank chat to us about how to treat women. The talk could be summed up with “worship the creator, not the creation”.
Keep the main thing the main thing
When I mention school camps, what comes to mind?