Jessica Gardiner
Press Services International

Kiwi-born with British roots, Jessica Gardiner drinks tea religiously while her dinner table discussions reverberate between the sovereignty of God, global politics, and the public health system. Having experienced churches from conservative to everything but, Jessica writes out a desire for Christian orthodoxy and biblical literacy in her generation. Jessica is married to fellow young writer Blake Gardiner.
Calamity, chaos and peace
Media headlines herald the breaking news of catastrophic disasters from around the globe. Meanwhile, homeless people take refuge on city streets begging for compassion. Concurrently, our increasing suicide statistics become dirty secrets swept under policies based on good intent.
I don’t want to “catch-up”
It was a coincidental encounter with a stranger. Although, that’s not quite true. They were not truly a stranger. In another life, we had been friends.
Seasoned with salt
“Let your speech be always filled with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how to answer each one (Colossians chapter 4, verse 6)”.
Beep, beep, in the car
It is uncoincidental that Imogen Heap’s “The Happy Song” is the most played song in our home. The effect it has on our young son is almost comical.
Welcome to the Twenties
Welcome to the Twenties. A decade flamboyantly characterised by dramatic political and social change. Hems became shorter, Jazz became popular and the burgeoning consumer economy allowed for widespread participation.
The Church’s favourite sin
There are a lot of New Zealanders who watch pornography. Although we do not explicitly know how many of us are watching it, we do know that it is unquestionably popular. In fact, per capita, we are 13th in the world for the frequency of visits to Pornhub, one of the largest online sites.
A duty of care
Our fragmented world desperately cries out for mercy - while we feebly attempt to shelter our minds from acknowledging the brokenness, remaining ignorant to others suffering in conflict-stricken nations or those who are trapped in cycles of poverty.
The Gateway to Worship
We all dedicate our lives to worship. Regardless of our professed spirituality, or lack of, our behaviours point to our object of worship.
Challenging consumerism culture
In a world saturated with inequity, whereby society encourages us to look out for ourselves, greed rears its ugly head. Our culture consistently compels us to consume more.
The first Nurse
In my earliest memories, you were someone who cared for and fixed broken people.