Josh Wood
Press Services International

Josh Wood is an ordained minister and has been teaching and preaching around the world for the last ten years. He lives on the Gold Coast, Australia with his beautiful wife and their two beloved sons. He is also an avid fiction writer working on the first draft of a Christian fantasy novel, having also previously worked in the film and TV industries. You can check out his website for information about his ministry.
Born for adventure
One of my earliest childhood memories is of playing in my own sandpit. I used to spend hours playing in the sand, shifting it around with my toy trucks, building sandcastles, mountains and tunnels for my toys. My dad made it for me in our backyard and I got a lot of joy out of it as a boy.
Who do you say that I am?
Have you ever heard the phrase, “you aren’t what you think you are, you’re what you think other people think you are.”?
Religion and politics
There’s an old adage, that many of us have heard in one form or another; that whether in business or at the dinner table, one should “never talk about religion or politics”.
What does it mean to be a Christian today?
These passing months of worldwide lockdown has been a time of fear and uncertainty for many. People the world over have been forced to put their lives on hold in an unprecedented way.
COVID-19: what on earth is going on?
The year is 2020 and the world is at war with an invisible enemy.
To Papua New Guinea with love
It was meant to be straight forward. I had never been to PNG before nor had I led a team on a mission trip, but everything was well thought out and had been planned months in advance.