Justin Sayson
Press Services International

Justin Sayson is a freelance journalist living on the Sunshine Coast. From about sport, music, faith or anything else, he’s always keen to discover more about the world around him. You can see more if his writing on justinsayson.com
Why the Apocalypse matters
When the apocalypse of fire and smoke, ends a lot better than you think.
Lessons from an un-eager runner
I’ve always thought running was the biggest waste of time. And where I live everyone does it. As the day breaks and as it ends, people, clad in light, colourful, breathable, clothing dash past as the rest of us normal people enjoy our days in bed or walking along the beach.
Evangelism is…slow
Evangelism. A word that inspires a shudder in believer and non-believer alike. One, out of fear of becoming “that guy” in your friend group and for the other a fear of having to talk to “that guy” in your friend group. (shout out Sam Chan!)
Reading is rebellion
Currently, I’m reading a book by Dr Karen Swallow Prior called “On Reading Well”. Throughout the book, she tracks through various classic novels, the ones we pretend to read in high school, and the virtues they teach.
Learning to trust God again
The past two years have been hard. With varying degrees of difficulty people around the world are living through with ...
The secular myth isn’t that strong
We are being a sold a lie. And we love it.
The best habit I’ve ever kept
In the petrol station everybody is equal
To my fellow Pentecostals, you can pause the worship music
You can only love God as much as you know him.
A faith that brings freedom