Lil van Wyngaard

Press Services International

Lil van Wyngaard is a Melbourne-based publishing company in a marketing and sales role. She also blogs on the side and has her first book in the drafting stages (planning to submit for publication later this year). Lil is an extrovert and loves entertaining at her home with her husband, Jacques, and can often be found reading or at the gym. She is a content creator/marketer, educated at Deakin University and also has a passion for all types of dance. Lil worships at New Gen City Church and is involved in youth and young adult ministry with her husband. You can find more of Lil’s articles at:

  • Ladies, you’ve been duped

    It makes me sad to hear so many ladies rejecting their God-given roles as women in favour of pursuing a man’s role. Or perhaps better phrased, many homemakers are looked down upon and look down on themselves, for being what they are.

  • Tips for making long distance dating easier: Part 2

    Last month I wrote Tips for Making Long-Distance Dating Easier: Part 1. Now that you’re up to date, today we’re ready to jump into part two!

  • Tips for making long-distance dating easier: Part 1

    Long-distance is tough. Nobody said it ain’t. There are some ways, however, to not make it completely suck. If you’re a long way away from your love, check out these tips from a veteran long-distancer about how to make things easier on yourself and your SO (significant other).

  • What does independence really mean?

    I never thought that independence was such a big deal in my walk with God. In fact, it’s presented as a positive trait when it comes to kids growing up and leaving home. The word dependence has undesirable associations: helpless, needy, pathetic. So we often steer away from it as much as possible.

  • Christians in the creative sphere

    C.S. Lewis once said, “The first business of a story is to be a good story”(A-Z Quotes). He is speaking as a believer but also as a creative. With Christians in the creative sphere, particularly in writing and music, I have found there to be two main types of artist.