Matt Fryer
Press Services International

Matthew Fryer is a professional seafarer with a love of the ocean. After a career working on merchant ships Matthew has recently ventured into the mission field, most recently serving with YWAM onboard their medical and training vessel the ‘YWAM PNG’. When Matthew is not working away at sea he resides on the Gold Coast with his wife Clara and their two children Harold 6 and Jane 5.
A career at sea
Last month marked a considerable milestone in my career as a seafarer. After over 10 years at sea, I finally achieved my Master 1 Certificate.
Time to follow the call
I have always had a love for the ocean. As a child I spent every moment that I could down at the beach, fishing in the creek or out in the bay on my grandfather’s boat.
A wet ride
I have recently returned from six months on board the medical and training ship YWAM PNG, which operates around the PNG coast providing free health care and training to some of the world’s most remote villages.
Loving the sinner not the sin
I think that we all understand that it is God’s will for us to love one another. The Bible is clear in this regard and it is something that all Christians would agree on.
Back sliding
I think that most Christians can, in one way or another, relate to having their journey of faith compared to a roller coaster ride. There are many ups and downs and twists and turns when living life as a follower of Christ.
Living for eternity
During my recent time in Papua New Guinea I had the pleasure of meeting a number of amazing people. Two of these people where Wil and Trina Muldoon.
Real believers
A couple of months ago I wrote an article titled “We are Christians but do we really believe” The article looked at the story of Jesus and the fig tree. Jesus had said to the disciples that if they are to pray in belief without doubt then they will receive whatever they ask for.
Some thoughts about missions
In January this year I returned home from Papua New Guinea where I had been serving on the medical ship the YWAM PNG since July last year. As I have shared in my previous columns the time that I spent in this ministry was life changing.
We are Christians but do we really believe?
In my first article I had mentioned that my time on board the YWAM PNG had led to a change in my perspective on life.