Matthew Thornton
Press Service International

Matthew Thornton is studying at the University of Auckland, Matthew finds that writing is one of the prime ways he connects with and grows closer to God. He loves seeing the way in which God has wired everyone uniquely and finds immense fulfilment in seeing others discover who God is to them. He would love to hear from you:
I don’t know about you, but the world just seems busy. I find when I ask people the question, “how are you doing?”, 90% of the time the answer is: “busy”.
Tear my house down
The walking in between
“We keep this love in a photograph, We made these memories for ourselves, Where our eyes are never closing Hearts are ...
It was love all along
I recently watched the Netflix documentary series, Our Planet, narrated by David Attenborough. An incredible series that has moved me towards praise for the amazing planet we get to enjoy.
The sweetness will come
After transitioning from high school to university in 2018, 2019 was a year of familiarity and steadiness. Where before I was navigating traffic, “stop starting” and not quite sure where I was going, 2019 was a year of cruising. Cruising to a destination I was sure I was supposed to be.
What are you waiting for?
I don’t know about you, but commitment can be hard in the world we live in today.
Love anyway
It’s interesting to see how views and approaches to morality have evolved through the ages.
Taste and see
Fearfully and wonderfully made
From the earliest time in human history, society has determined that everything should be measurable and quantifiable. That way, we are able to determine something’s worth.