Mussita Ng
Press Services International

Mussita Ng is a follower of Jesus Christ from Wellington, New Zealand. Her previous articles may be viewed at
The size of my faith
The word conjures a religious picture in our minds. Believing in something bigger than us. Taking a leap into the unknown. We think of spiritual giants like David and Abraham. More often than not, faith is painted as a colossal spiritual accomplishment.
Your children will rise up and call you blessed
Three. That’s the number of times I woke up last night.
Learn, unlearn and relearn
My daughter takes piano lessons. There is a lot of consistent practice that is expected when learning an instrument. Recently, she learnt a piece and practiced it daily.
When God steps into your routine
I recently finished reading the biography of Elisabeth Elliot. Elisabeth, or Betty, as she was more fondly called was the wife of Jim Elliot. He is well known as one of five missionaries killed while trying to make contact with the Auca, a tribe from Ecuador.
The gift of prayer
Giggles were dancing through the door of the room. The happy chatter of my children and their seemingly undaunted enthusiasm despite the weather always amaze me.
Finding Rest
I remember writing this as a Facebook status once – “If you need more than 24 hours a day, then you are doing too much! Take time to rest”.
Stop and think
I have never been one to post much personal stuff on social media. Sure, I’ve always used it to connect to others. It’s great for catching up on what’s going on in the lives of people that you know but never get to meet.
Praise practice
Whenever something bad happens, my knee-jerk reaction is to say, “Why, God?”
Dig deeper
On the Rock
I pressed my toes into the soft sand. As I listened quietly, the wind carried the voices of laughter and shouts of glee to my ears. Nothing could contain the joy of both children and adults as they splashed in the waves. Beautiful summer days in Wellington never fail to draw people out of the comfort of their homes.