Peter Brookshaw
Press Service International

Pete Brookshaw is the Senior Minister of The Salvation Army Craigieburn. He has a Bachelor of both Business and Theology and is passionate about the church being dynamic and effective in the world and creating communities of faith that are outward-focused, innovative, passionate about the lost and committed to societal change. He has been blogging since 2006 at about leadership and faith and you can find him on:
Peter Brookshaw’s previous articles may be viewed at
To judge or not to judge. You be the judge.
“You’re so judgmental!” someone cries out.
Can someone pay me a decent wage?
I remember paying $1 for a loaf of bread. That was a slice of heaven. Can you remember paying $9 for a 24 pack of toilet paper? Those were the days.
Why you better climb that tree
I have never before been this interested in the affairs of this world. Maybe it’s simply because I’m heading towards my mid-thirties and all of a sudden I find myself intrigued by the societal issues of the day.
Religious freedom in Australian Schools
With any talk of religious freedom, sexuality and racial discrimination, the tensions can run high. Can a religious school uphold a particular value system that may be at odds with someone else’s view? And to what extent?
How to have faith in the midst of uncertainty
The most revolutionary person who has ever lived
We want to redeem Jesus Christ. That’s why prolific author, Stephen Court and I have written this book:
What’s your expectation level at?
Is the church really awake?
I hear the sound of an army rising
Recently I took a few moments out of the usual routine and went camping. Within the midst of the swirling, constant barrage of busyness, I found a moment to escape; to listen; to ponder; to contemplate. I chose to stop thinking about the expectations of Salvation Army life (and there’s many), and I stopped and listened.
Ending homelessness
It has been wonderful feeling the sun shine in recent days! We have had some lovely sunny days and the change of weather has been a very welcome relief from the terrible storms that have been disrupting our world.