Rebecca Moore
Press Service International

Rebecca and her husband have four children and live on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Rebecca writes for various publications including print, online and commercial. She is the author of two books: ‘First to Forty’ and ‘Pizza and Choir’. For more information you can find Rebecca at:, Facebook: Rebecca Moore - Author, Instagram: rebeccamoore_author
Rebecca Moore's previous articles may be viewed at
Ebenezer – Where does your help come from?
One night recently as I slept, the words of a song flooded through my head. On waking, the only words I could remember from the song were ‘every Ebenezer’.
Let the Son in
You may have heard of waking up on the wrong side of the bed, but this morning I woke up on the can’t be botheredside of the bed. Honestly, it has been a busy year of working hard, and today would be my first full day at home in quite a long time!
New Release - Where Rivers Flow
I am delighted to announce the official release of my new book Where Rivers Flow – Finding your way out of the desert with joy and gladness.
Preparing for my crown
Sitting in the dentist chair for two hours wasn’t what I’d imagined for my Tuesday morning. Going to the dentist is not my favourite thing to do!
Make a joyful noise
Have you ever heard someone complaining and it made you feel good? I can’t say I have. Even if I agree with their complaints, I would rather it not be a problem to need to complain about in the first place.
When the cup is full
Some seasons of life are busier than others. Sometimes our cups are full and not necessarily in the negative sense.
What makes God proud of us?
We recently had the privilege of witnessing the engagement proposal of our eldest daughter Cartia to her now-fiancé Shane.
Are you really listening?
“Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking.” —Bernard Baruch
Weddings! You’ve got to love them. They are special times in our lives full of love and expectation.
God has compassion, even when we don’t deserve it
Being a political family, the results of the recent election threw me for a spin. Leading up to election day, everything seemed to point towards a new government—but not the government we ended up with. It was an election that was supposed to restore our freedoms.