Richard Kwon
Press Service International

Richard Kwon is from Auckland, a regular lay person who just loves the Lord.
Ministries of the layperson
You don’t need to be a pastor or a missionary to be involved in some sort of ministry. In fact, God has given all of us certain types of ministry and calling that we cannot escape from: calling at home, vocation and the local church.
Sour hour of prayer
2020 has been a rough year for me so far.
Low self-esteem is healthy for you
Life doesn’t always go according to plan.
Absorbing only a quarter of your bible
From my observations and interactions with many around me, a lot of us read our bibles in a slightly different manner.
Why is my plant not growing?
(Fictional) One day I got a small plant in a flower pot as a gift. Feeling much gratitude of the gift, I decided to give my best in making sure that this plant grows to its fullest stature and maturity, bearing much fruit and good fragrance for many to enjoy.
The discipline of Evangelism
We talk a lot about spiritual discipline: discipline in private prayer, worship, reading of scripture and so on. However hardly anybody talks about the discipline of evangelism.
How can eternal reward be biblical?
There are plenty of bible verses that talk about getting eternal reward in heaven for our good deeds.
Devotional time can be harmful
As good Christians, we are often taught that we should have our daily devotional time, preferably in the morning before we get on with anything for the day. How do most of us conduct our devotions?
Covid-19 crisis: Is online-service okay?
I am currently residing in South Korea, a country that was unfortunately hit pretty hard by Covid-19 due to our close proximity to China.
My Spartan experience doing Intensive Biblical Greek course
After years of patiently waiting for God’s timing, I have finally enrolled into a seminary to move onto the next chapter of my life in God’s calling to become a minister of his word.