Ron Ross

Press Service International

  • Yes, Faith Triumphs

    Believers were first called Christians in Antioch, Turkey (Acts Chapter 11 verse 26). It was the appropriate place. Antioch was the home base for missionary journeys by Paul.

  • Power of the Tongue

    Years ago I interviewed a young man who faced a murder charge. “I don’t know what the fuss is about, I only killed a wog,” he told me. (‘Wog’ was a derogatory term used to describe a foreigner).

  • That word 'Love'

    God is love. We have heard it, said it, read it, sang it over and over, a thousand times but what does it mean? It's easy to say whether we love coffee, or Vegemite, football or the beach.

  • A specific call to be ready

    The Bible warns no one knows the day or the hour, nevertheless, the end times is a popular topic and world events often lead to speculation. “Is it now?” “Are we living in the Day?”

  • View: He's got the Whole World in His Hands

  • Today - lessons of a Broken Heart

    “It’s odd, isn’t it? People die every day and the world goes on like nothing happened. But when it’s a person you love, you think every one should stop and take notice. That they ought to cry and light candles and tell you that you’re not alone.”

  • View: A Flood of Refugees, The Mind of Christ

    The German publication Der Spiegel runs regular stories describing the escalating refugee crisis in what they call Fortress Europe.  In a recent report they said, “Desperate scenes played out here, reminiscent of those witnessed in Hungary back in September.” They described, a group of young men who used a steal beam as a battering ram. “Men could be seen running and children screaming,’ they said.

  • Tattoos! Think before you ink

    What do David Beckham, Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp have in common? Tattoos!

  • AI, the rise of machines!

    Stephen Hawking has warned Artificial Intelligence (AI) 'could spell the end of the human race.' Microsoft genius Bill Gates said he could not understand why people are not concerned about AI.

  • It started with the answering machine

    How could we explain our modern world to generations past? Back in the day some thought we could never fly. Colour television was beyond a dream.