Rosanne Menacho
Press Service International

Rosanne Menacho is an Australian currently living in Peru with her husband to spend time living with his family. She works as a writer, and her website and books can be found at In her spare time, Rosanne enjoys playing music, dancing, translating and drinking herbal tea. Her heart is to worship and represent the Creator in spirit and in truth, and to see the arrival of the Messianic kingdom on Earth.
Rosanne Menacho’s previous articles may be viewed at
What I enjoy about academia
In my first ever article for Christian Today, ‘When I grow up…’ (August 2015), I wrote a little about my journey toward figuring out which vocation to follow, and upon what to base such decisions.
God’s ‘centre of the world’
If someone were to ask you which country or city was the ‘centre’ of the world, a number of places might spring to mind.
The ‘Bright Line’ philosophy
A recent and powerful newcomer to the weight-loss world is a philosophy/program called ‘Bright Line Eating’, developed by Susan Peirce Thompson PhD.
Living as a temple of the Holy Spirit
Around the time of Mother’s Day, health and beauty products are promoted by shops and businesses, and there is often a focus in Evangelical Christianity on women being healthy and beautiful as ‘temples of the Holy Spirit’.
Living righteously in an unrighteous world
Something I’ve seen a lot in the media and in my email inbox over the last few months and years are petitions by Christians against laws and movies which approve ‘sin’ in the wider society.
There are some things I would never eat—not even for $50,000
I don’t usually watch reality shows, but one day recently when I was relaxing on the couch with my husband, Fear Factor happened to come on.