Sabrina Meyer

Press Service International

Sabrina has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature and history. She has a passion for learning and creative writing with aspirations to one day become a high school teacher.Sabrina Meyer's previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressservice

  • What it means to love

    Love has many complications, especially in this day and age where there is heavy warfare about what it means to love someone of a different belief structure or sexual orientation to oneself.

  • Hitting the curveballs as they come

    I am sure we are all aware of the curveballs life throws at us — if you are not, do not worry, life will pitch them to you eventually.

  • Abandoned by God

    Whenever I feel abandoned I hear on repeat the voices quoting Bible verses about how He will never leave me nor forsake me and that I should not let my feelings get the best of me.

  • Repeat offender

    Sinning feels great. Sinning feels awful. Sinning can feel a lot of things, and the all-encompassing factor is how addictive it can be.

  • 'Who do you say I am'

    Who do we say that God is? How do we view each member of the Trinity—both as individuals and as One?